21-63-1      Definition of terms.
21-63-2      No product liability beyond useful safe life.
21-63-3      Factors in determining useful safe life.
21-63-4      Express warranty beyond useful safe life.
21-63-5      Time for bringing aviation product liability claim--Indemnity.
21-63-6      Product in compliance with legislative or administrative regulatory safety standards.
21-63-7      Product not in compliance with legislative or administrative regulatory safety standards.
21-63-8      Product in compliance with mandatory government contract specification.
21-63-9      Product not in compliance with mandatory government contract specification.
21-63-10      Duty to warn or instruct.
21-63-11      Sections 20-9-10 and 20-9-10.1 unaffected.
21-63-12      Evidence of advancements, changes, or subsequent measures.