<html> <head> <title>Rule 12:17:04:12 Milkroom partitions, floors, drainage, and door openings.</title> <META NAME="Keywords" Content="Administrative Rules 12:17:04:12"> <META NAME="Description" Content="Administrative Rules 12:17:04:12 Milkroom partitions, floors, drainage, and door openings."> <meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Office HTML Filter 2.0"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name=Originator content="Microsoft Word 10"> <style> <!-- --> </style> </head> <body lang=EN-US> <div> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>12:17:04:12.&nbsp;&nbsp;Milkroom partitions, floors, drainage, and door openings.</b> If the milkroom is part of a barn or an adjoining building, it must be separated by a solid partition that includes tight-fitting and self-closing solid doors hinged to open into the barn or parlor. The milkroom must be sealed and walled with smooth and easily cleaned material. The floor must be of concrete or other impervious material, graded to provide drainage. The milkroom must have a trapped floor drain, and the waste collected in the floor drain must be piped away from the building to avoid pooling and creating other unsanitary conditions. All openings must be screened to prevent the entrance of flies and rodents. All outside doors and windows must be closed during dusty weather. All outside doors must open outward and be solid and self-closing unless they are provided with tight-fitting screen doors that open outward and are self-closing.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>Source:</b> SL 1975, ch 16, §&nbsp;1; 12 SDR 128, 12 SDR 154, effective July 1, 1986; 19 SDR 61, effective October 26, 1992.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>General Authority:</b> SDCL <A HREF="/statutes/DisplayStatute.aspx?Type=Statute&Statute=40-32-18">40-32-18(5).</A></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>Law Implemented:</b> SDCL <A HREF="/statutes/DisplayStatute.aspx?Type=Statute&Statute=40-32-18">40-32-18(5).</A></p> </div> </body> </html>