41:09:04:03.01.  Waters closed to commercial taking of bait. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 41:09:04:04, the following waters are closed to commercial taking of bait year-round:


          (1)  Aurora County: Wilmarth Lake;

          (2)  Beadle County: Ravine Lake and Staum Dam;

          (3)  Bennett County: Allen Dam, Lacreek Refuge Pools 1-10, Lake Creek, Cedar Creek Dam 1, Cedar Creek Dam 2, Cedar Creek Dam 3, and Little White River;

          (4)  Bon Homme County: Lewis and Clark Lake, and Lake Henry;

          (5)  Brookings County: Lake Sinai, Lake Poinsett, Twin Lake east of U.S. Highway 81, Brush Lake, Nature Park East Pond, Nature Park West Pond, and Nelson WPA/GPA;

          (6)  Brown County: Elm Lake, Richmond Lake, Pigors Dam, and Wiley Park Pond;

          (7)  Brule County: Wells Dam, Lake Francis Case, Lake Wanalain, and Lake Sixteen;

          (8)  Buffalo County: Lake Francis Case and Lake Sharpe;

          (9)  Butte County: Orman Reservoir (Belle Fourche Reservoir), and Red Water River;

          (10)  Campbell County: Lake Campbell, Lake Pocasse, and Lake Oahe;

          (11)  Charles Mix County: Academy Lake, Lake Andes South Unit, Lake Andes North Unit, Dante Lake, Geddes Lake, Lake Platte, Lake Wagner, Lake Francis Case, and the Missouri River;

          (12)  Codington County: Lake Kampeska, Kampeska Fish Ponds (Sand Pits), Pelican Lake, Bramble Pond, Punished Woman Lake, Horshoe Lake, McKilligans Slough, and 3rd Avenue Pond;

          (13)  Corson County: Lake Oahe, Lake Pudwell, Lake Morristown, East and West, Mallard Slough, McGee Slough, and Trail City Dam;

          (14)  Davison County: Lake Mitchell;

          (15)  Day County: Lake Amsden, Antelope Lake, Bitter Lake, Blue Dog Lake, Campbell Slough, East Krause Lake, Lake Enemy Swim, Hazeldon Lake, Horshoe Lake, Lynn Lake, Pickerel Lake, Pierpont Lake, Middle Lynn Lake, Lake Minnewasta, Owen Creek, Opits Lake, and Waubay Lake;

          (16)  Deuel County: Bullhead Lake, Lake Cochrane, Gary Creek, and Cobb Creek;

          (17)  Dewey County: Lake Oahe, Eagle Butte Dam, Little Moreau #1 Dam, Little Moreau #2 Dam, Little Moreau #3, Lantry Lake, and the Moreau River;

          (18)  Douglas County: Lake Corsica;

          (19)  Fall River County: Angostura Reservoir;

          (20)  Faulk County: Lake Cresbard and Lake Faulkton;

          (21)  Grant County: Hunter Granite Quarry and Summit Lake;

          (22)  Gregory County: Lake Berry, Burke Lake, Fairfax Lake, Lake Herrick, Lake Francis Case, and the Missouri River;

          (23)  Haakon County: Sunshine Dam, Waggoner Lake, and Kroetch Dam;

          (24)  Hamlin County: Lake Poinsett and Mickleson Marsh;

          (25)  Hand County: Dakota Lake, Jones Lake, Lake Louise, and Pearl Lake;

          (26)  Hanson County: Lake Ethan and Lake Hanson;

          (27)  Harding County: Buffalo Lake (Gardner);

          (28)  Hughes County: Woodruff Dam, Lake Oahe, and Lake Sharpe;

          (29)  Hutchinson County: Tripp Lake, Dimock Lake, Lake Menno;

          (30)  Hyde County: Mission Dam (Boehm), Peno Dam, and Lake Sharpe;

          (31)  Jerauld County: Twin Lake;

          (32)  Jones: Murdo Lake, Murdo Railroad Dam, Okaton Dam, Bad River, White River, and Fort Pierre National Grassland dams;

          (33)  Kingsbury County: Lake Thompson and Twin Lake west of U.S. Highway 81;

          (34)  Lake County: Lake Madison, Brant Lake, Round Lake, Lake Herman and its connecting waters, Long Lake, and Lake Herman State Park Pond;

          (35)  Lincoln County: Lake Alvin, Lake Lakota, and Rollings GPA Pond;

          (36)  Lyman County: Brakke Dam, Fate Dam, Larson Dam, Reliance Dam, Byre Dam, Lake Francis Case, Lake Sharpe, White River, and Ft. Pierre National Grassland Dams;

          (37)  McCook County: East Vermillion Lake, Island Lake north of County Highway 110, and Island Lake south of County Highway 110;

          (38)  McPherson County: Lake Eureka and Lake Leola;

          (39)  Marshall County: North Buffalo Lake, South Buffalo Lake, Bullhead Lake, Cattail/Kettle Lake, Clear Lake, Cottonwood Lake, Hickman Dam, Nine Mile Lake, Red Iron Lake, South, Roy Lake, Six Mile Lake, and White Lake;

          (40)  Meade County: Bear Butte Lake, Curlew Lake, Durkee Lake, Ft. Meade BLM Pond, and Tisdale Dam;

          (41)  Mellette County: White River Dam, White River, and Little White River;

          (42)  Miner County: Lake Carthage;

          (43)  Minnehaha County: Wall Lake, Loss Lake, Island Lake north of County Highway 110, Island Lake south of County Highway 110, Scott Lake, and Twin Lake;

          (44)  Pennington County: New Underwood Dam, New Wall Dam, Old Wall Dam, Quinn Dam, Quinn Township Dam, Tennyson Dam, and Wicksville Dam;

          (45)  Perkins County: Shadehill Reservoir, Lemon Lake Game Production Area, Flat Creek Lake, Sorum Dam, Coal Springs Lake, Own Dam, Cole Dam, and 73 Dam;

          (46)  Potter County: Simon Dam, Potts Dam, Lake Hurley, and Lake Oahe;

          (47)  Roberts County: Whitestone Lake;

          (48)  Sanborn County: Twin Lake;

          (49)  Spink County: Cottonwood Lake; Redfield Lake, Mud Lake, and Twin Lake;

          (50)  Stanley County: Hayes Lake, Lake Oahe, Lake Sharpe, Missouri River, Bad River, and Ft. Pierre National Grassland dams;

          (51)  Sully County: Lake Oahe, Cottonwood Lake, and Sully Lake;

          (52)  Tripp County: Roosevelt Lake, Beaulieu Dam; King Dam, Rahn Dam, Dog Ear Lake, White River and Keya Paha River;

          (53)  Turner County: Swan Lake;

          (54)  Union County: McCook Lake;

          (55)  Walworth County: Lake Oahe, Lake Molstad, and Swan Lake;

          (56)  Yankton County: Lake Marindahl, and Lewis and Clark Lake;

          (57)  Ziebach County: Bednor Lake, Lake Oahe, Glad Valley Dam, Miller Dam, and Buffalo Dam; and

          (58)  All waters within the Black Hills Fish Management Area as defined in § 41:07:01:01.


          Source: 47 SDR 27, effective September 15, 2020.

          General Authority: SDCL 41-2-18(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(21).

          Law Implemented: SDCL 41-2-18(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(21), 41-6-44, 41-6-45, 41-14-35.