55:09:04:01.  Vacation leave. Each permanent employee is entitled to vacation leave with pay. Vacation leave accruals start with the date of employment but may not be paid out upon separation unless six months of continuous service have been completed. Any request for vacation leave shall be approved by an employee's immediate supervisor before the time of departure. A leave request may not exceed the amount accumulated.


          Vacation leave shall be accrued each semimonthly pay period and is accrued in equal increments to the maximum specified in SDCL 3-6C-4. An employee with less than 15 years of service who is paid monthly may accrue no more than 10 hours of vacation leave a month. An employee with 15 years or more of service who is paid monthly may not accrue more than 13.334 hours of vacation leave a month. The 15 years of service does not have to be consecutive. A permanent employee who works less than full time accrues prorated vacation leave based on the number of hours paid in the pay period.


          An employee whose appointment has expired or who has been laid off or terminated for cause shall take earned vacation in a lump sum. If an employee who is terminating employment is on vacation leave, no other type of leave may be used.


          If an employee transfers, all accumulated leave shall be transferred to the new department.


          Source: 39 SDR 99, effective December 3, 2012; 41 SDR 58, effective October 14, 2014; 46 SDR 146, effective July 1, 2020.

          General Authority: SDCL 3-6C-18.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 3-6C-4, 3-6C-18.