55:09:04:08. Military training leave. Military leave for training may not be granted to an employee who is on vacation leave and terminating employment. Military leave for training may not be accumulated. A temporary employee is not entitled to military leave for training. A new employee on six months probationary status is not considered a temporary employee. The appointing authority shall maintain a record of military leave taken with the regular vacation and sick leave account of each state employee. An employee requesting military leave for training shall obtain a written order or letter from the commander of the employee's reserve or national guard unit showing the dates of the training period. This notice shall be submitted to the appointing authority 15 days before the date of the employee's departure for training.
Source: 39 SDR 99, effective December 3, 2012.
General Authority: SDCL 3-6C-18.
Law Implemented: SDCL 3-6C-18.
Note: Employers and employees should note the difference between units called for military training up to 15 working days with pay and units called for active duty.