CHAPTER 67:61:11
67:61:11:01 Purpose and scope of prevention programs.
67:61:11:02 Prevention program classifications.
67:61:11:03 Description of services provided.
67:61:11:04 Review of materials.
67:61:11:05 Criteria for determining evidence-based intervention.
67:61:11:06 Staff knowledge of resources.
67:61:11:07 Record of activities.
67:61:11:08 Quality assurance and evaluation.
67:61:11:01. Purpose and scope of prevention programs. A prevention program must encompass current research, theory, and practice-based strategies and activities, implemented through structured prevention strategies. An agency providing a primary prevention or diversion service shall delineate a work plan that outlines the scope of services to be offered. The programming being implemented must be found on the state-supported, evidence-based programming list. The plan must be approved by the agency's board of directors and documented in board minutes, or approved by the agency director and be made available to the public and agency staff.
An agency that conducts classroom or group educational programs shall use a structured, evidence-based curriculum for prevention education.
Source: 43 SDR 80, effective December 5, 2016; 50 SDR 63, effective November 27, 2023.
General Authority: SDCL 1-36-25, 34-20A-27.
Law Implemented: SDCL 34-20A-27.
67:61:11:02. Prevention program classifications. Prevention programming is divided into the following population classifications:
(1) Universal prevention programming, or the following activities targeted to the general public or a whole population that has not been identified on the basis of individual risk:
(a) Interventions that directly serve a group of individuals who are identifiable, but who have not been identified on the basis of individual risk; and
(b) Interventions that indirectly support population-based programs and environmental strategies;
(2) Selective prevention programming, or activities targeted to individuals or a subgroup of the population whose risk in developing a disorder is significantly higher than average; and
(3) Indicated prevention programming, or activities targeted to individuals identified as having minimal, but detectable signs or symptoms foreshadowing a disorder, or biological markers indicating predisposition, but have not yet met diagnostic level.
Source: 43 SDR 80, effective December 5, 2016; 50 SDR 63, effective November 27, 2023.
General Authority: SDCL 1-36-25, 34-20A-27.
Law Implemented: SDCL 34-20A-27.
67:61:11:03. Description of services provided. A prevention program must offer at least one of the following:
(1) Information dissemination services or activities that involve one-way communication from the source to the audience, with limited contact between the two;
(2) Education services or activities that involve two-way communications and are based on an interaction between the educator and the participants;
(3) Alternative services or activities that provide the opportunity to participate in healthy, positive, and constructive activities;
(4) Problem identification and referral services or activities that are designed to identify a person who has indulged in the illegal use of alcohol or drugs in order to assess if the person's behavior can be reversed through education. This activity does not include any services designed to determine if an individual is in need of treatment services;
(5) Community-based services or activities that are designed to enhance the ability of the community to more effectively provide prevention services for alcohol or drug abuse; or
(6) Environmental services or activities that are deisgned to establish or change community standards, codes, and attitudes, thereby influencing the incidence and prevalence of alcohol and drug abuse in the general population.
A written description of the services provided must be available to all staff members, individuals, the public, and the department. The description must include target populations for primary prevention and diversion services; program goals including the scope of services; measurable objectives; program evaluations and intended outcomes; and programming that complies with these standards.
Source: 43 SDR 80, effective December 5, 2016; 50 SDR 63, effective November 27, 2023.
General Authority: SDCL 1-36-25, 34-20A-27.
Law Implemented: SDCL 34-20A-27.
67:61:11:04. Review of materials. The agency's program director shall review and approve all electronic, written, and printed materials, intended for public distribution, for validity, relevancy, and appeal. The public distribution materials and prevention curriculums being implemented must be made available for review by agency staff, the public, and the department, in an electronic or printed format.
Source: 43 SDR 80, effective December 5, 2016; 50 SDR 63, effective November 27, 2023.
General Authority: SDCL 1-36-25, 34-20A-27.
Law Implemented: SDCL 34-20A-27.
67:61:11:05. Criteria for determining evidence-based intervention. An intervention is determined to be evidence-based if:
(1) It is included in a federal list or registry of evidence-based interventions;
(2) It is reported positively in a peer-reviewed journal; or
(3) There is documented effectiveness in accordance with the following guidelines for evidence:
(a) The intervention is based on a theory of change that is documented in a clear logic or conceptual model;
(b) The intervention is similar in content and structure to interventions that appear in a federal list or registry or in peer-reviewed literature;
(c) The intervention is supported by documentation that it has been effectively implemented multiple times, in a manner attentive to scientific standards of evidence and with results that show a consistent pattern of credible and positive effects; and
(d) The intervention is reviewed and deemed appropriate by a panel of prevention experts, including prevention researchers who are experienced in evaluating prevention interventions similar to those under review.
Source: 43 SDR 80, effective December 5, 2016; 50 SDR 63, effective November 27, 2023.
General Authority: SDCL 1-36-25, 34-20A-27.
Law Implemented: SDCL 34-20A-27.
67:61:11:06. Staff knowledge of resources. The staff of each prevention program shall have knowledge of regional alcohol, drug, mental health promotion, suicide prevention, and recovery support programs available for prevention or treatment services. An agency shall:
(1) Maintain a current database of information and referral resources on alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; on substance abuse services; and on prevention and treatment resources;
(2) Post or publicly distribute the information and resources; and
(3) Document that agency staff have reviewed the information and resources.
Source: 43 SDR 80, effective December 5, 2016; 50 SDR 63, effective November 27, 2023.
General Authority: SDCL 1-36-25, 34-20A-27.
Law Implemented: SDCL 34-20A-27.
67:61:11:07. Record of activities. An agency conducting prevention services shall maintain a record of all prevention activities provided in accordance with the described program content. Each record must include:
(1) A list of presenters;
(2) A list of participants involved using non-identifiable information;
(3) Demographic characteristics of participants, including:
(a) Age;
(b) Race or ethnicity;
(c) Gender;
(d) Type of prevention populations, such as universal, selective, or indicated; and
(e) Any other information as requested by the department;
(4) A description of all program activities; and
(5) A copy of the programmatic materials.
Source: 43 SDR 80, effective December 5, 2016; 50 SDR 63, effective November 27, 2023.
General Authority: SDCL 1-36-25, 34-20A-27.
Law Implemented: SDCL 34-20A-27.
67:61:11:08. Quality assurance and evaluation. An agency shall conduct a quality assurance review of its prevention programming to monitor, protect, and enhance the quality and appropriateness of its programming and to identify qualitative problems and recommend plans for correcting each problem. The agency shall conduct:
(1) Annual satisfaction surveys of all individuals or stakeholders who requested and participated in prevention services;
(2) Participant evaluations, after each prevention presentation the agency provides; and
(3) Pre- and post-tests for all evidence-based curricula presented to individuals.
A summary of the quality assurance review must be made available to the board of directors or agency staff annually, and to the department and community members, upon request.
Source: 43 SDR 80, effective December 5, 2016; 50 SDR 63, effective November 27, 2023.
General Authority: SDCL 1-36-25, 34-20A-27.
Law Implemented: SDCL 34-20A-27.