1-41-1 Department continued.
1-41-2 Secretary as head of department.
1-41-2.1 Qualifications of secretary.
1-41-3 1-41-3. Repealed by SL 2004, ch 26, § 1.
1-41-3.1 Functions of Division of Forestry within Department of Game, Fish and Parks transferred to Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
1-41-3.2 Office of agricultural and natural resources policy created--Responsibilities.
1-41-3.3 Divisions constituting department.
1-41-3.4 Limitation on stringency of certain rules.
1-41-4 Performance of functions of former department.
1-41-4.1 Performance of functions of abolished agencies.
1-41-5 Boards and commissions--Administrative functions performed by department--Nomination of officers.
1-41-6 1-41-6. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 191, § 1.
1-41-6.1 State Conservation Commission--Organization.
1-41-7 1-41-7. Repealed by SL 1974, ch 6, § 10.
1-41-9 Repealed.
1-41-10 Repealed.
1-41-11 Board of Water and Natural Resources created--Functions--Appointment and terms of members.
1-41-11.1 Officers of board--Quorum--Removal of members.
1-41-11.2 Water Management Board--Transfer of certain functions to Board of Water and Natural Resources.
1-41-12 State geologist--Duties.
1-41-12.1 Performance of functions of state geologist relating to oil and gas conservation.
1-41-13 Performance of administrative functions of conservancy district board.
1-41-13.1 Performance of nonadministrative functions of conservancy district board.
1-41-14 Performance of administrative development functions of Water Resources Commission.
1-41-14.1 Performance of nonadministrative development functions of former Water Resources Commission.
1-41-15 Water Management Board created--Appointment and terms of members.
1-41-15.1 Qualifications of Water Management Board members.
1-41-15.2 Quorum of Water Management Board.
1-41-15.3 Officers of Water Management Board--Meetings.
1-41-15.4 Functions of Water Management Board.
1-41-15.5 Water pollution control powers.
1-41-16 Environmental protection functions of department and secretary.
1-41-17 Water quality and hygiene functions.
1-41-18 Transfer of functions relating to air quality and solid waste, radiation monitoring, mineral exploration, and control of hazardous materials and wastes.
1-41-19 Board of Minerals and Environment--Composition--Appointment and terms of members.
1-41-19.1 Board of Minerals and Environment composed in conformance with Clean Air Act.
1-41-19.2 Officers of Board of Minerals and Environment--Quorum--Meetings.
1-41-20 Rejection of applications for certain environmental protection, mining, oil, and gas permits.
1-41-21 Registration for individual permits required by holders of certain general permits.
1-41-22 Report required following the issuance of uncontested permits.
1-41-23 Establishment of the environment and natural resources fee fund--Source of fund--Administration--Expenditures--Unexpended funds.
1-41-23.1 Transfer of funds to environment and natural resources fee fund from water and environment fund.
1-41-24 Full public disclosure of nonconfidential public records--Reproduction--Fee--Waiver--Response time to written requests--Denial of disclosure--Appeals--Promulgation of rules--Attorney's fees and costs for denial of access to hazardous waste public records.
1-41-25 Voluntary environmental audits--Assumption against civil or criminal penalties.
1-41-25.1 Application of environmental audit provisions--Discovery of violations.
1-41-25.2 Environmental audit subject to discovery--Summary of disclosed violation.
1-41-25.3 Use of environmental audit as defense.
1-41-25.4 Removal of regulated entity from environmental audit provisions.
1-41-26 Promulgation of rules governing inspection of certain concentrated animal feeding operations.
1-41-27 Electronic signatures permitted on certain documents.
1-41-28 Establishment of program to separate and recover recyclable materials--Inclusion of local government.
1-41-28.1 Promulgation of rules for state agency recycling programs.