1-5-1    Holidays enumerated.

1-5-1.1    Martin Luther King, Jr. Day established.

1-5-1.2    Native Americans' Day established.

1-5-1.3    South Dakota Statehood Day established.

1-5-2    Business and official acts permitted on holidays.

1-5-3    Past transactions on holidays validated.

1-5-4    Acts performed on day after holiday.

1-5-5    Repealed by SL 2003, ch 5, § 1.

1-5-6    Rejected by referendum.

1-5-8    Little Big Horn Recognition Day.

1-5-9    Wounded Knee Day.

1-5-10    Arbor Day.

1-5-11    Bill of Rights Day.

1-5-12    Joe Foss Day.

1-5-13    POW/MIA Recognition Day.

1-5-14    Purple Heart Recognition Day.

1-5-15    Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.

1-5-16    Day of the American Cowboy.

1-5-17    Peter Norbeck Day.

1-5-18    Medal of Honor Recognition Day.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-1. Holidays enumerated.

The first day of every week, known as Sunday; the first day of January, commonly known as New Year's Day; the third Monday in January, commonly known as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; the third Monday in February, the anniversary of the birthdays of Lincoln and Washington; the last Monday of May, commonly known as Memorial Day; the nineteenth day of June, commonly known as Juneteenth; the fourth day of July, commonly known as Independence Day; the first Monday in September, commonly known as Labor Day; the second Monday in October, commonly known as Native Americans' Day; the eleventh day of November, known as Veterans' Day; the fourth Thursday in November, commonly known as Thanksgiving Day; and the twenty-fifth day of December, commonly known as Christmas Day; and every day appointed by the President of the United States, or by the Governor of this state for a public fast, thanksgiving, or holiday shall be observed in this state as a legal holiday.

If the first day of January, the nineteenth day of June, the fourth day of July, the eleventh day of November, or the twenty-fifth day of December falls upon a Sunday, the Monday following is a legal holiday and shall be so observed; and if any such day falls upon a Saturday, the preceding Friday is a legal holiday and shall be so observed.

Source: SDC 1939, §§ 65.0404; SL 1941, ch 373; SL 1951, ch 470; SL 1953, ch 487, § 1; SL 1957, ch 498; SL 1971, ch 4; SL 1972, ch 5; SL 1974, ch 5; SL 1981, ch 2; SL 1983, ch 1, § 1; SL 1986, ch 7; SL 1990, ch 7, § 1; SL 2022, ch 1, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-1.1Martin Luther King, Jr. Day established.

The third Monday in January, to be known as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day shall be observed in this state as a legal holiday. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is dedicated to the remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and to the observance and appreciation of the various ethnic minorities who have contributed so much to the state and nation.

Source: SL 1986, ch 5; SL 1989, ch 5; SL 1990, ch 7, § 3.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-1.2Native Americans' Day established.

The second Monday in October, to be known as Native Americans' Day, shall be observed in this state as a legal holiday. Native Americans' Day is dedicated to the remembrance of the great Native American leaders who contributed so much to the history of our state.

Source: SL 1990, ch 7, § 2.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-1.3South Dakota Statehood Day established.

The second day of November, to be known as South Dakota Statehood Day, shall be observed in this state as a working holiday. South Dakota Statehood Day is dedicated to the remembrance of the anniversary of South Dakota's admittance into the union on November 2, 1889. This day will be to reflect on the history and the heritage of the state.

Source: SL 2001, ch 6, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-2Business and official acts permitted on holidays.

Any public or private business may be transacted or legal process or notices of any kind may be served or published on any of said days or next succeeding days designated herein as holidays, excepting Sundays, provided, that for good cause, a judge in whose court an action has been or is about to be brought, may endorse upon any process or notice permission to serve the same on Sunday, and if so endorsed, service thereof on Sunday shall be valid.

Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0404; SL 1941, ch 373; SL 1951, ch 470; SL 1953, ch 487, § 1; SL 1957, ch 498.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-3Past transactions on holidays validated.

Any public or private business heretofore transacted or legal notice published upon any holiday except Sunday is hereby validated and declared to be of the same force and effect as if such business had been transacted or such publication made upon a business or secular day.

Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0301.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-4Acts performed on day after holiday.

Whenever any act of a secular nature, other than a work of necessity or mercy, is appointed by law or contract to be performed upon a particular day, which day falls upon a holiday, such act may be performed upon the next business day, with the same effect as if it had been performed upon the day appointed.

Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0405.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-5Repealed by SL 2003, ch 5, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-6, 1-5-7. Rejected by referendum.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-8Little Big Horn Recognition Day.

The twenty-fifth day of June, to be known as Little Big Horn Recognition Day, shall be observed in this state as a working holiday. Little Big Horn Recognition Day is dedicated to the remembrance and recognition of the battle of Little Big Horn.

Source: SL 1994, ch 2, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-9Wounded Knee Day.

The twenty-ninth day of December, to be known as Wounded Knee Day of Reflection, shall be observed in this state as a working holiday. Wounded Knee Day is dedicated to the remembrance of and reflection on the massacre that occurred at Wounded Knee.

Source: SL 1994, ch 2, § 2.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-10Arbor Day.

The last Friday in April of each year shall be set apart and established as "Arbor Day," or tree planting day, to promote and encourage the planting of trees in South Dakota. On this day and throughout the week, schools, civic organizations, communities, and all citizens and groups are urged to seriously consider the contribution of trees to the beauty and economic welfare of the state. Citizens are further encouraged to plant a tree and to properly care for the trees, shrubs, and other woody plants that provide many benefits to our citizens.

Source: SL 1998, ch 6, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-11Bill of Rights Day.

The fifteenth day of December, to be known as Bill of Rights Day, shall be observed in this state as a working holiday. Bill of Rights Day is dedicated to remembrance of and reflection on the ratification of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution and their significance for all Americans.

Source: SL 1998, ch 5, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-12Joe Foss Day.

The seventeenth day of April, to be known as Joe Foss Day, shall be observed in this state as a working holiday. Joe Foss Day is dedicated to the remembrance and recognition of South Dakota's favorite son and war hero, Governor Joe Foss.

Source: SL 2004, ch 5, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-13POW/MIA Recognition Day.

The third Friday of September, to be known as POW/MIA Recognition Day, shall be observed in this state as a working holiday. POW/MIA Recognition Day is dedicated to the remembrance and recognition of the sacrifices endured by those members of the Armed Forces of the United States who were held as prisoners of war or remain as missing in action.

Source: SL 2013, ch 1, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-14Purple Heart Recognition Day.

The seventh day of August, to be known as Purple Heart Recognition Day, shall be observed in this state as a working holiday. Purple Heart Recognition Day is dedicated to the remembrance and recognition of those members of the armed forces of the United States who have earned the Purple Heart Medal for wounds received in combat.

Source: SL 2013, ch 2, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-15Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.

The thirtieth day of March, to be known as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day, shall be observed in this state as a working holiday. Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day is dedicated to the remembrance and recognition of the service and sacrifice rendered by our nation's veterans of the Vietnam War.

Source: SL 2013, ch 3, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-16Day of the American Cowboy.

The fourth Saturday of July shall be known as Day of the American Cowboy. Day of the American Cowboy is dedicated to the protection, preservation, and promotion of the cowboy and Western heritage of the State of South Dakota, and honoring cowboys and cowgirls for their enduring contribution to the courageous, pioneering spirit of America. In keeping with the hard-riding work ethic of cowboys, the Day of the American Cowboy is a working holiday.

Source: SL 2014, ch 3, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-17Peter Norbeck Day.

The twenty-seventh day of August, to be known as Peter Norbeck Day, shall be observed in this state as a working holiday. Peter Norbeck Day is dedicated to the remembrance and recognition of South Dakota's first native-born governor and the founder of Custer State Park, Peter Norbeck.

Source: SL 2018, ch 5, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 1-5 - TIME AND DATES

1-5-18. Medal of Honor Recognition Day.

The twenty-fifth day of March, to be known as Medal of Honor Recognition Day, is observed in this state as a working holiday. Medal of Honor Recognition Day is dedicated to the remembrance and recognition of those members of the armed forces of the United States who have received the Medal of Honor.

Source: SL 2024, ch 4, § 1.