12-21-1    Purpose of chapter--Liberal construction.

12-21-2    Composition and appointment of county recount board--Individuals disqualified from serving--Oath--Promulgation of rules.

12-21-3    Notice of appointment and time and place of recount--Notice to candidates.

12-21-3.1    Meeting of recount board open to the public--Penalty.

12-21-4    Compensation of recount referee and appointed members of board.

12-21-4.1    Mileage allowance for recount board members.

12-21-5    12-21-5. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 28, § 46.

12-21-6    Application of chapter.

12-21-6.1    Code of regulations to govern recounts.

12-21-7    Conditions under which recount made.

12-21-8    Precinct recount on petition by voters of precinct.

12-21-9    Extended time for filing additional precinct recount petitions.

12-21-10    Complete recount on candidate's petition in close local election.

12-21-11    Complete recount on candidate's petition in close election in joint legislative district.

12-21-11.1    Notice to secretary of state of petition filed with county auditor.

12-21-12    Candidate's petition for recount in close state or district election--Notice to county auditors.

12-21-13    Computation of total vote where two or more candidates elected to same office.

12-21-14    Voters' petition for recount on question submitted to entire state--Form of petition--Notice to county auditors.

12-21-15    Petition for recount in close presidential election--Time of filing--Notice to county auditors.

12-21-16    Tie vote certified by canvassing board--Automatic recount.

12-21-17    12-21-17. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 110, § 4.

12-21-18    Chapter not applicable where runoff election required.

12-21-19    Joint petition by defeated candidates.

12-21-20    Notice to circuit judge of recount petition--Appointment and convening of recount board.

12-21-20.1    Appointment of additional recount board.

12-21-21    Adjournment by board to another place.

12-21-22    Adjournment to permit combining separate recounts of same ballots.

12-21-23    Majority vote of county recount board--Quorum.

12-21-24    Materials to be provided to recount board--Determination as to whether ballot countable.

12-21-25    Recount to proceed expeditiously.

12-21-26    Candidates' right to witness recount--Witnesses to recount on submitted question.

12-21-27    Segregation and identification of disputed ballots.

12-21-28    Identification of ballots disputed in two or more recounts--Substitution of memorandum describing ballot.

12-21-29    Opening of segregated ballot for purpose of different recount--Identification and substitution of memorandum if disputed--Resealing.

12-21-30    Opening of segregated ballots involved in previous judicial proceedings--Court order to preserve rights.

12-21-31    Return and resealing of undisputed ballots--Certification of disputed ballots.

12-21-32    Certification of recount result--Contents and execution--Transmittal to secretary of state.

12-21-33    Sealing and certification of disputed ballots.

12-21-34    Filing and preservation of certificates.

12-21-35    Certification of recount result to canvassing board--Recount result in lieu of official returns.

12-21-36    Recanvass and corrected abstract of votes in local election.

12-21-37    New certificate of election or nomination to local office when result changed by recount.

12-21-38    12-21-38. Repealed by SL 1974, ch 118, § 200.

12-21-39    Reconvening of state canvassers after recount--Recanvass and corrected abstract.

12-21-40    New certificate of election or nomination on change of result by corrected abstract of state returns.

12-21-41    Original certificate of nomination or election superseded by certificate issued after recount--Rights of holder.

12-21-42    Original determination on submitted question superseded by determination after recount.

12-21-43    Tie vote after recount determined by lot--Issuance of certificate.

12-21-44    Second recount prohibited--Exception.

12-21-45    Court order for second recount--Grounds--Time of filing petition.

12-21-46    Court removal and replacement of recount board member not acting in good faith.

12-21-47    Persons entitled to certiorari for review of recount--Time of filing of petition.

12-21-48    Original jurisdiction of certiorari proceedings.

12-21-49    Form and contents of petition for certiorari.

12-21-50    Issuance of writ of certiorari--Officials to whom addressed--Contents.

12-21-51    Service of writ of certiorari--Persons on whom served.

12-21-52    Intervention in certiorari involving submitted question.

12-21-53    Answer to petition for certiorari--Joint or several answer.

12-21-54    Defenses set forth in answer to certiorari--New allegations--Petition for additional writ.

12-21-55    Insufficient certification--Further certification required.

12-21-56    Hearing on certiorari--Conference to narrow issues.

12-21-57    Scope of review on certiorari--Correction of errors.

12-21-58    Procedure as in other cases of certiorari.

12-21-59    Judgment on certiorari.

12-21-60    Right of appeal to Supreme Court from judgment on certiorari.

12-21-61    Procedure on appeal to Supreme Court--Provisions to secure speedy determination.