2-16-5. Compensation of commission members--Employment of personnel and incurring of expense.
The code counsel shall receive no compensation other than his salary provided by law. The Code Commission may employ such personnel and incur such expense as may be required to perform its duties and may lease or purchase equipment and services to provide for a supervised statutory retrieval system for all departments of government engaged in research and revision of the Constitution and laws of this state.
The expenses of the commission shall be paid on warrants drawn by the state auditor on vouchers approved by the chairman of the commission.
Source: SL 1966, ch 239, § 2; SL 1969, ch 219, § 3.
2-16-5.1. Gifts and contributions to commission--Expenditure.
In addition to state appropriated funds, the Code Commission is authorized to accept and expend any funds which it might obtain from any gift or contribution or any other source, public or private, for said purposes.
Source: SL 1970, ch 18, § 4.
2-16-5.2. Assistance, space, and facilities for commission.
The director of the State Legislative Research Council and the code counsel are hereby charged with the duty of assisting the Code Commission within such limitations as it may prescribe and to provide space for its supplies and to make available the facilities of the council for its meetings. The director shall also supervise the secretarial functions of the commission and otherwise assist it to the extent feasible.
Source: SL 1970, ch 18, § 6.