21-22-18. Parties served with notice--Personal, mail, or electronic service.

The notice provided by § 21-22-17 shall be served upon fiduciaries, beneficiaries, and attorneys of record, except as otherwise provided in chapter 55-18. Notice shall be served personally, by mail, postage prepaid, addressed to each person at the last known post office address as shown by the records and files in the proceeding, or electronically in accordance with § 15-6-5(b) and applicable local rules, at least fourteen days prior to the hearing, unless and to the extent that the court for good cause shown directs a shorter period or approves a different form of notice for some or all persons.

Source: SDC 1939, § 33.2610; Supreme Court Rule adopted November 4, 1941; Supreme Court Rule adopted October 14, 1957; SL 1982, ch 174, § 2; SL 1998, ch 282, § 38; SL 2014, ch 226, § 13; SL 2017, ch 208, § 27; SL 2023, ch 161, § 1.