22-24B-1    Sex crimes determined.

22-24B-1.1    Business day defined.

22-24B-2    Registration of convicted sex offenders--Time limit--Violation as felony--Discharge.

22-24B-2.1    Three-tiered registry.

22-24B-3    Work defined.

22-24B-4    Attends school and attends classes defined.

22-24B-5    Annual verification form mailed to registered offender--Return of form--Failure to return form--Violation as felony.

22-24B-6    Commencement or change in enrollment or employment--Report to local law enforcement--Time limit--Violation as felony.

22-24B-7    Registration every six months--Violation as felony.

22-24B-8    Information required for sex offender registration--DNA sample--Violation as felony.

22-24B-8.1    Annual confirmation by law enforcement of residence address.

22-24B-9    Information from sex offender registry--Specifics included.

22-24B-10    Registration forwarded to Division of Criminal Investigation--Files open to public--Exceptions.

22-24B-11    Availability of sex offenders' files--Participation in National Sex Offender Public Registry.

22-24B-12    Written notice of new location or address required--Time limit--Violation as felony.

22-24B-12.1    Second or subsequent convictions.

22-24B-12.2    Notice in person of new location or address outside of state--Time limit--Violation as felony.

22-24B-13    Duty of institutions to inform convicted sex offenders of registration requirements and community safety zone restrictions.

22-24B-14    Duty of court to inform sexual offenders of registration requirement and community safety zone restrictions.

22-24B-15    Registration records and lists as public records--Confidentiality of victim identifying information.

22-24B-16    Penalties for crime committed as result of information from sex offender registry.

22-24B-17    Petition for removal from sex offender registry--Service--Response.

22-24B-18    Petition and documentation--Contents.

22-24B-19    Criteria for removal--Tier I offender.

22-24B-19.1    Criteria for removal from registry as Tier II offender.

22-24B-19.2    Tier III offender defined.

22-24B-19.3    Recidivist sex offender defined.

22-24B-19.4    Criteria for removal from registry--Removed from out-of-state registry.

22-24B-20    Order for removal of name from sex offender registry--Denial of petition.

22-24B-21    Internet site with sex offender registration information--Division and registering agency not liable for good faith conduct.

22-24B-22    Definitions.

22-24B-23    Restrictions on residence within community safety zone--Violation as felony.

22-24B-23.1    Secondary registered location or address--Notification of law enforcement--Violation as misdemeanor.

22-24B-24    Loitering within community safety zone or public library prohibited--Exception--Violation as felony.

22-24B-25    Inconsistent local ordinances on residence and community access prohibited.

22-24B-26    Petition for order of exemption from safety zone restrictions--Contents--Service--Response.

22-24B-27    Community Safety Zone--Exemption--Eligibility.

22-24B-28    Order granting or denying petition--Restrictions on subsequent petition.

22-24B-29    Summary description of offense forwarded to or developed by Division of Criminal Investigation.

22-24B-30    Inmate and juvenile offender registration--Time limit--Submission to Division of Criminal Investigation--Notice of change of status.

22-24B-31    Foreign criminal conviction registration--Time limit--Violation as felony.

22-24B-32    Immunity from liability for certain good faith conduct.

22-24B-33    Eligibility for removal from registry of registrant who has committed out-of-state offense.

22-24B-34    Eligibility of registrant who has committed out-of-state offense to establish in-state residence.

22-24B-35    Registered sex offender not eligible to circulate certain nominating petitions.

22-24B-36    Sex offender to report change in vehicle registration.

22-24B-37    Report of intention to travel outside United States--Violation as misdemeanor.