34-25-1    Department of Health to have charge of registration.

34-25-1.1    Definition of terms.

34-25-2    34-25-2, 34-25-3. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-4    Vital registration districts--Establishment, consolidation or subdivision.

34-25-4.1    Register of deeds or designee as local registrar--Fees--Deputy, appointment, and duty.

34-25-5    34-25-5 to 34-25-7. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-8    Birth registration--Certificate of live birth--Time for filing--Availability of records.

34-25-8.1    Birth in moving conveyance.

34-25-8.2    34-25-8.2. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 297, § 2.

34-25-9    Birth in institution--Attending physician or physician's designee to prepare certificate--Filing certificate.

34-25-9.1    Birth outside institution--Persons responsible for certificate--Evidence required--Violation as misdemeanor.

34-25-9.2    Birth certificate signed by parents or informant.

34-25-10    34-25-10 to 34-25-13. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-13.1    Husband's name entered on birth certificate--Father's name as determined in paternity proceeding or by affidavits.

34-25-13.2    Parents' consent or judicial determination required to name father in birth certificate when mother unmarried.

34-25-13.3    Unmarried mother's surname shown on birth certificate unless paternity acknowledged.

34-25-13.4    Father not named on birth certificate--No other information entered.

34-25-14    Child of unknown parents--Physician to name child and file birth certificate.

34-25-15    Legitimation of child--New birth certificate--Fee.

34-25-16    Adoption information forwarded by clerk of courts.

34-25-16.1    New birth certificate upon adoption of child born in state or foreign nation--Exception.

34-25-16.2    Birth certificate after adoption when birth unrecorded.

34-25-16.3    Adoption information on child born out-of-state forwarded to state of birth.

34-25-16.4    Sealing of original birth certificate and adoption information--Opening of sealed materials.

34-25-16.5    Original birth certificate sealed or forwarded to department after new certificate issued.

34-25-16.6    Copies of birth certificates.

34-25-16.7    Determining mother for birth certificate.

34-25-16.8    New birth certificate for certain crime victims--Sealing.

34-25-17    34-25-17. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-18    Medical certificate signed by attending physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner--Time for execution.

34-25-18.1    Determination of death.

34-25-19    34-25-19, 34-25-20. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-21    Notice of death without attending physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner--Preparation of medical certificate--Violation as misdemeanor.

34-25-22    Reference to state's attorney, sheriff, or police of death from other than natural causes.

34-25-22.1    Blood samples taken in violent or accidental death cases--Transmission to laboratory.

34-25-23    34-25-23. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-24    Permit required for disposition of dead body or fetus.

34-25-24.1    Notice to funeral director--Communicable disease or condition.

34-25-25    Fact of death record filed by funeral director--Sources of data--Place and time of filing.

34-25-25.1    Place of filing death certificate when place of death unknown or in moving conveyance required.

34-25-26    34-25-26 to 34-25-32. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-32.1    Report required of certain fetal deaths other than abortions.

34-25-32.2    Fetal death report filed by physician--Coroner to report unattended deaths.

34-25-32.3    Disposition of remains of embryo or fetus.

34-25-32.4    Medical facility to provide for disposal of aborted fetuses.

34-25-32.5    Failure to comply as public nuisance.

34-25-32.6    Disposition of fetal remains--Method.

34-25-32.7    Fetal organ, tissue donation--Circumstances--Consent required.

34-25-32.8    Definitions related to stillbirth.

34-25-32.9    Notice to parent of means for requesting a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth.

34-25-32.10    Name of stillborn child on certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth.

34-25-32.11    Fetal death report to be referenced on certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth.

34-25-32.12    Form and content of certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth.

34-25-32.13    Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth not used to calculate live birth statistics.

34-25-32.14    Fee for certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth.

34-25-32.15    Certificate may be requested without regard to filing date of fetal death report.

34-25-32.16    Certificate may be requested without regard to date of fetal death.

34-25-33    Burial or removal permit filed by funeral director after final disposition.

34-25-34    Burial-transit permit issued out-of-state as authority for final disposition.

34-25-35    34-25-35. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-36    Records and monthly report of funeral director.

34-25-37    34-25-37. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-38    Cemetery to require burial, removal, disinterment, or transit permit--Promulgation of rules.

34-25-38.1    Issuance of disinterment permit.

34-25-39    Completion of burial permit when no person in charge of cemetery.

34-25-40    34-25-40, 34-25-41. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-42    Delayed registration of birth, death, or marriage--Fee.

34-25-43    Software, blanks and forms supplied by department--Use of forms or exact electronic replicas required.

34-25-44    Blank forms supplied by local registrar--Examination of permit for disposition on presentation.

34-25-45    Legibility of records and certificates--Incomplete or illegible certificates not filed.

34-25-46    Signing, dating, and numbering of permits for disposition by local registrar.

34-25-47    34-25-47 to 34-25-50. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-51    Amendment of vital record--Fee for delayed amendment.

34-25-52    Copies of certified or informational records supplied by department or local registrars--Application--Time--Fees.

34-25-52.1    Copies or data supplied to public or private agencies.

34-25-52.2    Additional fee for copy of birth record--Disposition.

34-25-52.3    Free birth certificate with head start enrollment form.

34-25-52.4    Uniform forms and procedures for issuance of copies of records--Rules.

34-25-52.5    Construction of chapter--Disclosure of specified information on birth, marriage, or divorce certificates--Admissibility.

34-25-52.6    Disclosure of information in or inspection or copying of vital record--Authorization of chapter or court.

34-25-52.7    Free birth certificate upon proof of homelessness.

34-25-53    34-25-53. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-54    Certified copies supplied free for military or veterans' claims--Minors participating in sports programs.

34-25-55    34-25-55, 34-25-56. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-57    Violation of requirements as misdemeanor.

34-25-57.1    34-25-57.1. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 190, § 67.

34-25-57.2    Unintentional issuance of certified copy of vital record fraudulently obtained--Personal liability.

34-25-58    Enforcement and supervisory powers of department--Investigations by secretary.

34-25-59    34-25-59, 34-25-60. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 194, § 45.

34-25-61    Severability of provisions.

34-25-62    Electronic list of persons married in South Dakota.