35-2-1    License application--Contents.

35-2-1.1    Applications submitted to secretary--Approval if suitable.

35-2-1.2    Applications submitted to local governing body--Fee--Approval or disapproval.

35-2-2    Fees.

35-2-2.1    Agreement by license applicant granting access to premises and records.

35-2-3    Hearing required before issuance of retail license.

35-2-4    Request for notice of hearing on retail license application--Notice by mail required.

35-2-5    Time and place of hearing on retail license--Publication of notice.

35-2-5.1    Return of application disapproved by local governing body--Waiting period before new application.

35-2-5.2    Approval of application by local governing body--Approval by secretary required--Deposit of fees.

35-2-5.3    Local licensing authority--Denying reissuance of on-sale license not actively used.

35-2-6    35-2-6. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 211, § 121.

35-2-6.1    State educational institutions--License to operate on campus prohibited--Exceptions.

35-2-6.2    Character requirements for licensees.

35-2-6.3    Ownership or lease of premises required of licensees--Ownership of business.

35-2-6.4    Manufacturers and wholesalers prohibited from engaging in retail business--Violation as misdemeanor.

35-2-6.5    35-2-6.5. Repealed by SL 2010, ch 180, § 12.

35-2-6.6    35-2-6.6, 35-2-6.7. Repealed by SL 2018, ch 213, §§ 25, 26.

35-2-6.8    Manufacturers and wholesalers permitted to pour or serve at certain events.

35-2-6.9    Manufacturers and wholesalers permitted to enter into sponsorship or advertising agreement with certain retailers.

35-2-6.10    Manufacturers and wholesalers permitted to donate beverages to certain licensees.

35-2-7    Transfer of licenses--Affidavit as to bulk sale--Payment of taxes--Facts shown as to new location--Procedure and fee.

35-2-8    Continuation of business by representative of deceased licensee--Responsibility of representative--Bonds continued.

35-2-9    Sale of stock in trade on termination of license.

35-2-10    Violation as ground for revocation or suspension of license--Multiple licenses.

35-2-10.1    Conditions under which license may not be revoked or suspended for sale to persons under twenty-one--Penalty.

35-2-10.2    Directory of training programs to be maintained on department website--Burden to show attendance for penalty reduction.

35-2-10.3    Compliance checks of prohibited alcohol sales to persons under age twenty-one.

35-2-11    35-2-11. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 211, § 121.

35-2-11.1    Recommendation by local governing body for suspension or revocation of license--Grounds--Action by secretary.

35-2-11.2    Notice of hearing prior to local governing body's recommendation of suspension or revocation.

35-2-12    Investigation--Revocation or suspension proceedings.

35-2-13    Right to hearing on action on application or license.

35-2-14    35-2-14 to 35-2-18. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 211, § 121.

35-2-19    Termination of rights after revocation of license.

35-2-20    Waiting period for new license after revocation--Application by relatives or employees.

35-2-21    Suspension in lieu of revocation of license--Maximum period--Compromise settlement.

35-2-22    35-2-22, 35-2-23. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 211, § 121.

35-2-24    Requirements for reissuance of license.

35-2-25    Sales or use tax licenses.

35-2-26    Licensees or employees charged with certain felonies may be prohibited from licensed premises.