36-18A-45.1Digital signatures.

Each drawing, report, or document that is signed and sealed using a digital signature shall have an electronic authentication process attached to or logically associated with the electronic document. The licensee's use of a digital signature is optional and, if used, shall be:

(1)    Unique to the licensee;

(2)    Capable of verification;

(3)    Under the sole control of the licensee using it; and

(4)    Linked to a document in such a manner that the digital signature is invalidated if any data in the document is changed.

A digital signature that uses a process approved by the board is presumed to meet the criteria provided in this section. Any hard copy printed from the transmitted electronic file shall bear the facsimile of the signature and seal and shall be a confirmation that the electronic file was not altered after the initial digital signing of the file. Any alterations to the file shall cause the facsimile of the signature to be voided.

Source: SL 2007, ch 219, § 15; SL 2016, ch 196, § 3.