36-1C-20. Criminal history--Notice of adverse action--Hearing.

If an agency or administrator intends to take an adverse action against an applicant based on an applicant's criminal history, as provided in this chapter, the agency or administrator must provide written notice to the applicant of the agency's or administrator's intent to take adverse action and that, unless the applicant requests a hearing in writing within twenty calendar days, the administrator may take the adverse action without a hearing. If the applicant requests a hearing, notice and a contested case hearing under § 1-26-27 are required.

If an agency or administrator intends to take an adverse action against a licensee based on the licensee's criminal history, as provided in § 36-1C-17, the administrator must comply with the complaint procedure outlined in this chapter.

During any requested hearing, the applicant or licensee shall have the right to present evidence demonstrating that the crime or crimes at issue does not directly relate to the relevant profession or occupation and any evidence of the individual's rehabilitation from the crime or crimes at issue such that the individual no longer poses the kind of risk to the profession or occupation normally associated with the type of conviction. The agency shall consider this evidence in making its determination.

The applicant or licensee shall have a right to a judicial review of the final decision pursuant to § 1-26-30.2. An applicant or licensee may waive the right to a contested case hearing as part of any final resolution of the licensure matter.

Source: SL 2024, ch 150, § 5.