36-24-41. Procedure for suspension, revocation or denial of license.

The board may suspend, revoke, deny, or deny the renewal of a license issued pursuant to this chapter in compliance with chapter 1-26 and chapter 36-1C.

Any decision of the board to discipline a licensee, or to suspend, revoke, or reinstate a license requires a majority vote of the board membership.

Any party aggrieved by the acts, rulings, or decision of the board relating to refusal to grant, renew, or reinstate a license, or to revoke or suspend a license, has the right to appeal the same under the provisions of chapter 1-26.

Source: SL 1968, ch 118, § 24; revised pursuant to SL 1972, ch 15, § 4; SL 1997, ch 221, § 51; SL 2024, ch 159, § 25.