36-38-1    Definitions.

36-38-2    Conduct included within practice of applied behavior analysis.

36-38-3    Conduct not included within practice of applied behavior analysis.

36-38-4    Applied behavior analyst advisory committee--Appointment--Terms--Duties.

36-38-5    Persons to whom chapter does not apply.

36-38-6    License required to practice as behavior analyst.

36-38-7    Qualifications for licensure.

36-38-8    Application fee.

36-38-9    Application for license.

36-38-10    Fee for initial licensure.

36-38-11    Code of ethics.

36-38-12    Grounds for denial, revocation, suspension, or cancellation of license.

36-38-13    Commencement of proceedings for cancellation or revocation of license.

36-38-14    Hearing on cancellation or revocation of license--Decision.

36-38-15    Administrative procedure for cancellation or revocation of license.

36-38-16    Appeal.

36-38-17    Reinstatement of license.

36-38-18    Record of licensees.

36-38-19    Practice without license--Misdemeanor.

36-38-20    Duties of board.

36-38-21    Repealed.

36-38-22    Injunction--Election of injunction or criminal action.

36-38-23    Money credited to board of social work examiners fund.

36-38-24    Confidentiality of consultation with behavior analyst.

36-38-25    Criminal background checks of assistant behavior analysts and paraprofessionals.

36-38-26    Certain assistant behavior analysts and paraprofessionals ineligible.

36-38-27    Promulgation of rules.