36-4A-3.1. Physician assistant council--Appointment--Terms--Duties--Board communication.

The board shall appoint a physician assistant council composed of three physician assistants. The term of office for each member is three years. No member may be appointed to more than three consecutive, full terms. If a vacancy occurs, the board must appoint a new member to fill the unexpired term. The appointment of a member to an unexpired term is not considered a full term.

The council shall meet at least twice each year, at a time and place set by the council, and may hold additional meetings as necessary to conduct business. The council shall meet the requirements of chapter 1-25 regarding open meetings.

The council shall:

(1)    Assist the board in all matters related to the licensure, practice, education, continuing education, investigation, and discipline of physician assistants pursuant to this chapter;

(2)    Make recommendations to the board regarding rules promulgated pursuant to this chapter; and

(3)    Submit meeting minutes and any recommendations to the board following each council meeting.

The board shall communicate activity on all matters relating to physician assistants with the council.

Source: SL 1999, ch 192, § 5; SL 2005, ch 199, § 5; SL 2007, ch 207, § 2; SL 2020, ch 167, § 1; SL 2024, ch 152, § 4.