36-7-20. Annual renewal of license--Revocation on default--Restoration of license.
Each optometrist licensed pursuant to this chapter shall apply, on a form approved by the board, for a renewal of the license. The renewal must be issued by the board upon payment of a fee set by the board by rule promulgated pursuant to chapter 1-26, not to exceed three hundred dollars, and upon verification that the optometrist has met the requirements for continuing education as provided in § 36-7-20.2. The renewal must be in the form of a receipt acknowledging payment of the required fee and signed by the secretary of the board.
Failure to renew the license on or before October first of each year constitutes a forfeiture of the optometrist's license. The license may be renewed at the discretion of the board upon application and payment of the fee required by § 36-7-11, and a late fee set by the board by rules promulgated pursuant to chapter 1-26, not to exceed one hundred dollars for each month the renewal is late.
Source: SDC 1939, § 27.0709; SL 1947, ch 122, § 3; SL 1951, ch 131, § 5; SL 1967, ch 99; SL 1973, ch 243, § 3; SL 1979, ch 252, § 2; SL 1985, ch 299, § 3; SL 1986, ch 302, § 68; SL 2022, ch 147, § 11.
36-7-20.2. Courses of continuing education specified by board--Certification of attendance--Waiver.
The board shall establish requirements for continuing education by rules promulgated pursuant to chapter 1-26. Any continuing education course must be certified by the Council of Optometric Practitioner Education or approved by the board. Attendance at any course must be submitted by each optometrist when renewing a license pursuant to § 36-7-20. The board may waive any or all of this requirement in case of certified illness or undue hardship.
Source: SL 1973, ch 243, § 2; SL 1979, ch 252, § 5; SL 2022, ch 147, § 12.