37-24-1    Definition of terms.

37-24-2    Unordered merchandise as gift--Right to refuse--Exceptions.

37-24-3    37-24-3 to 37-24-5. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 244, § 9

37-24-5.1    "Door to door sale" defined.

37-24-5.2    Transactions not considered door to door sales.

37-24-5.3    Door to door seller's failure to inform buyer of right to cancel.

37-24-5.4    Cancellation notice form to be furnished and filled in by door to door seller.

37-24-5.5    Deceptive to include confession of judgment or waiver of rights in door to door sale.

37-24-5.6    Deceptive to fail to honor notice of cancellation of door to door sale--Notice of intent to repossess or abandon delivered goods.

37-24-5.7    Criteria for compliance of door to door sales with notice requirements.

37-24-6    Deceptive act or practice--Violation as misdemeanor or felony.

37-24-6.1    Electronic cash registers required to display transactions and issue receipts--Violation as petty offense.

37-24-6.2    Advertisement at regular price not prohibited.

37-24-7    Other remedies unimpaired by definition of deceptive practices--Actions under chapter restricted.

37-24-8    Prima facie knowledge of deceptive practice--Civil relief unaffected.

37-24-9    37-24-9. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 277, § 2

37-24-10    Lawful practices unaffected by chapter.

37-24-11    Advertising media exempt without knowledge of unlawfulness.

37-24-12    Attorney general's investigative demand for report on suspect practices.

37-24-13    Modification or setting aside of director's investigative demand.

37-24-14    Subpoena powers of attorney general--Hearings--Forms--Rules and regulations.

37-24-15    Self-incriminating evidence required on promise of immunity.

37-24-16    Service of notice, demand, or subpoena.

37-24-17    Judicial enforcement of notice, demand or subpoena.

37-24-18    Information disclosed only as necessary for enforcement.

37-24-19    Acceptance of assurance of voluntary compliance authorized.

37-24-20    Form and contents of assurance of voluntary compliance--Approval by circuit court.

37-24-21    Assurance not admission--Failure to comply prima facie evidence of violation.

37-24-22    Reopening of matters closed by acceptance of assurance.

37-24-23    Attorney general's action for injunction--Notice--Attorney fees.

37-24-24    State's attorneys to assist--Action by state's attorney.

37-24-25    Venue of actions for injunction--Relief granted.

37-24-26    Civil penalty for violation of injunction.

37-24-27    Civil penalty for intentional violations recovered in action for injunction.

37-24-28    Jurisdiction retained by court issuing injunction.

37-24-29    Additional judicial relief from unlawful practices--Appointment of receiver.

37-24-30    Powers of receiver.

37-24-31    Action for damages brought by person adversely affected.

37-24-32    Other private remedies unaffected.

37-24-33    Limitation of actions.

37-24-34    Chapter not retroactive.

37-24-35    Severability of provisions.

37-24-36    37-24-36 to 37-24-40. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 226, §§ 9 to 13.

37-24-41    Definitions.

37-24-42    Unsolicited commercial e-mail advertisements restricted.

37-24-43    Internet access service provider policy restricting e-mail permitted.

37-24-44    Collection of e-mail addresses to initiate unsolicited commercial e-mail advertisements prohibited.

37-24-45    Obtaining e-mail addresses by automated means to initiate unsolicited commercial e-mail advertisements prohibited.

37-24-46    Use of automated means to register multiple e-mail accounts from which to initiate unsolicited commercial e-mail advertisements prohibited.

37-24-47    Prohibited commercial e-mail advertisements.

37-24-48    Actions for damages--Attorney's fees and costs--Reduction of damages under certain circumstances.

37-24-49    Contractor defined for §§ 37-24-50 and 37-24-51.

37-24-50    Contractor rebate of insurance deductible prohibited.

37-24-51    Cancellation of storm damage roofing repair contract.

37-24-52    Organized retail crime--Each act a misdemeanor or felony.

37-24-53    Restitution and reimbursement for organized retail crime.

37-24-54    Defenses.

37-24-55    Charges not prohibited by chapter.

37-24-56    Aggregating amount involved to determine degree of punishment.

37-24-57    Report by financial institution of exploitation of elder or adult with disability.

37-24-58    Cooperation of financial institution with investigation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of elder or adult with disability.