38-19-1    Definition of terms.

38-19-2    38-19-2. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 281, § 4

38-19-2.1    Commercial fertilizer distribution license required--Fee--Penalty for violation--Notice.

38-19-2.2    Name and address required on application for distribution license and to appear on other materials of licensee.

38-19-3    38-19-3. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 281, § 5

38-19-3.1    38-19-3.1, 38-19-3.2. Repealed by SL 2001, ch 215, §§ 10, 11

38-19-4    38-19-4. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 281, § 8

38-19-4.1    38-19-4.1. Repealed by SL 2001, ch 215, § 12

38-19-5    Guaranteed analysis defined.

38-19-6    38-19-6 to 38-19-9. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 281, §§ 11 to 14

38-19-10    Inspection fee on fertilizer distributed in state--Rules.

38-19-10.1    Additional inspection fee deposited in precision agriculture fund.

38-19-11    38-19-11. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 281, § 16

38-19-12    Annual tonnage report--Inspection fees.

38-19-13    38-19-13. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 281, § 18

38-19-14    Fertilizer fund--Administration--Expenditures.

38-19-15    Labels required for fertilizer in containers--Contents.

38-19-16    Information to accompany bulk shipments--Fertilizer formulated under specifications furnished by consumer.

38-19-16.1    Labeling requirements applied to sewage sludge distributor--Availability of analyses.

38-19-17    Fertilizer deemed misbranded.

38-19-18    Fertilizer deemed adulterated.

38-19-19    Sale or distribution of adulterated or misbranded fertilizer as misdemeanor.

38-19-20    38-19-20. Repealed by SL 2001, ch 215, § 15

38-19-21    38-19-21 to 38-19-23. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 281, §§ 24 to 26

38-19-23.1    38-19-23.1. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 308, § 1

38-19-24    Intimate and uniform mixture required in custom mixing.

38-19-25    38-19-25. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 281, § 28

38-19-26    Guaranteed analysis of custom mix or fertilizer materials.

38-19-27    Sales and exchanges to manufacturers and mixers exempt from requirements.

38-19-28    Recommendation of grades of fertilizers for use in state--Publication of recommended lists.

38-19-29    38-19-29. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 281, § 29

38-19-30    Inspection and sampling to determine compliance with chapter.

38-19-30.1    Proof of claims required of licensed applicant or registrant--Sources of proof.

38-19-31    Manner of drawing and sealing official samples--Forwarding to director of laboratories.

38-19-32    Examination of samples and reports by director of laboratories.

38-19-33    Analytical methods used by director of laboratories.

38-19-34    Publication of analyses--Dissemination of information.

38-19-35    Annual publication of fertilizer data and analysis results--Separation by semiannual periods.

38-19-36    Rules and regulations for labeling, storage, and distribution.

38-19-36.1    Rules for siting of ammonia, fertilizer, and fertilizer production facilities.

38-19-36.2    Operation of bulk commercial fertilizer storage facility without permit prohibited--Rules--Revocation of permit--Violation as misdemeanor.

38-19-36.3    Civil penalty--Injunctive relief.

38-19-36.4    "Anhydrous ammonia" defined.

38-19-36.5    Mishandling anhydrous ammonia or tampering with equipment and facilities prohibited--Violation as felony--Civil penalty.

38-19-36.6    Action for damages against certain persons unavailable to person who tampers with equipment.

38-19-36.7    Section 38-19-36.6 not applicable against unlawful possessor of anhydrous ammonia.

38-19-36.8    Assumption of risk by person tampering with anhydrous ammonia--Immunity from liability for owners.

38-19-36.9    Owner of anhydrous ammonia defined.

38-19-36.10    Tampering defined.

38-19-37    Secretary charged with enforcement--Access to property and records.

38-19-37.1    Secretary to be given copies of labels and labeling.

38-19-38    Stop-sale orders against fertilizer in violation.

38-19-39    Seizure and condemnation of fertilizer in violation--Disposal--Release to claimant.

38-19-40    Injunction to prevent violations.

38-19-41    Violation of chapter, rule or regulation as misdemeanor.

38-19-42    38-19-42. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 281, § 30

38-19-43    Discretion in prosecution of minor violations--Warning.

38-19-44    38-19-44. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 281, § 31

38-19-45    Severability of provisions.

38-19-46    Promulgation of rules for transportation, use, application, disposal, or notice of fertilizer application.

38-19-47    Refusal or cancellation of commercial fertilizer distribution license for noncompliance--Opportunity to be heard.

38-19-48    Nutrient research and education fund created.

38-19-49    Deposit of inspection fees into nutrient research and education fund--Purposes of disbursements.

38-19-50    Nutrient Research and Education Council created--Membership.

38-19-51    Duties of Nutrient Research and Education Council.