46A-15-1    Cooperation with other governmental agencies in promotion and development--Authority of Governor.

46A-15-2    Disbursement of funds.

46A-15-3    46A-15-3. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 368.

46A-15-4    Improving navigation on Missouri river--Expenditure of funds by counties upon voter approval--Appropriations.

46A-15-5    Settlement of state claim relating to Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program authorized--Damages and obligations enumerated.

46A-15-6    Settlement framework--Short-term objectives.

46A-15-7    Long-term objectives.

46A-15-8    Authorization of additional future projects not precluded.

46A-15-9    Missouri River cost recovery program established as part of settlement--Use of revenue.

46A-15-10    Legislative finding as to Missouri River cost recovery program--Authorized as preferred, priority state objective.

46A-15-11    Missouri River cost recovery authority established--Recommendation of options by authority--Limits on recommended options.

46A-15-12    Composition of authority--Chairman--Submission of recommendations--Dissolution.

46A-15-13    Expenses of members--Staff services--Payment of expenses incurred.

46A-15-14    Governor authorized to negotiate, make agreements, with federal government.