58-1-30.4. Transmission of electronic documents by consent--Notice of document by electronic means.

The notice, as described in § 58-1-30.2, may be delivered by electronic means to the covered employee's or covered person's designated electronic mail address or smart device number and must contain:

(1)    A prominent statement that important information regarding the group health plan has been posted on the internet site;

(2)    The name of or a description of the notice or document;

(3)    The internet site address or a hyperlink at which the notice or document may be accessed;

(4)    A statement of the recipient's right to request the notice or document in paper form at no charge and the process to exercise that right;

(5)    A statement of the recipient's right to opt out of delivery by electronic means and to receive documents in paper form free of charge;

(6)    The time period during which the notice or document will remain accessible on the internet site; and

(7)    A telephone number for the insurer or the group health plan administrator.

Source: SL 2023, ch 162, § 5.