6-1-1 Local officer's interest in public purchase or contract unlawful--Contract void.
6-1-2 Conditions under which contract with local officer permitted--Contract voidable if conditions not fully met.
6-1-2.1 Conditions under which competitive bid pursuant to chapter 5-18A from officer of governing body may be accepted.
6-1-3 Deposit of funds permitted despite bank connection of public officer.
6-1-4 Limitation of actions to recover amounts paid under unlawful contracts--Fraud or deceit.
6-1-5 Failure of local officer to make official report--Procurement of information at expense of political subdivision.
6-1-6 Expense of procuring information omitted from official report--Payment--Civil liability of officer and sureties.
6-1-7 Examination of county records at end of officer's term--Proceeding against delinquent officer.
6-1-8 Examination of records and proceedings against municipal, township, and school officers.
6-1-9 Officers to provide necessary blanks and records for office.
6-1-10 Publication of payroll information.
6-1-11 Form of certain public records--Duplicate--Computerization.
6-1-12 "Local government" defined.
6-1-13 Rent control of private residential property prohibited.
6-1-14 Limitation on delegation, transfer, or assignment of taxing authority.
6-1-15 Health and dental insurance.
6-1-16 Insurance for retiring employees.
6-1-17 Official prohibited from discussing or voting on issue if conflict of interest exists--Legal remedy.
6-1-18 Officer may consider relevant information from any source--Reliance on experience.
6-1-19 Formal rules of procedure and evidence not applicable to public hearing or meeting on proposed ordinance or resolution.
6-1-20 Formal rules of procedure and evidence not applicable to public hearing or meeting on quasi-judicial matter--Public disclosure of evidence.
6-1-21 Grounds for disqualification of officer in quasi-judicial proceeding.
6-1-22 Members of governing bodies displaced by natural disaster to continue term of office.
6-1-23 Fuel gas appliances--Ban prohibited--Exclusions.
6-1-24 Fuel gas service--Ban prohibited--Exclusions.