7-2-1    Petition for consolidation or boundary change--Filing--Verification--Study committee.

7-2-1.1    Study committee by resolution.

7-2-1.2    Study committee--Membership--Authority--Expenditures limited--Member reimbursement.

7-2-1.3    Study committee final report--Contents.

7-2-1.4    Submission of consolidation plan to vote.

7-2-2    Notice and ballots for election on consolidation or change--General law governing.

7-2-3    Majority approval of consolidation or boundary change.

7-2-4    Certification of canvass of election returns--Governor's proclamation and notice.

7-2-5    Effective date of consolidation or boundary change.

7-2-6    7-2-6. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 15, § 3.

7-2-7    Name of consolidated county.

7-2-8    Commissioner election in consolidated county--First election after consolidation.

7-2-9    Continuation of officer terms after consolidation.

7-2-10    First election of county officers after consolidation.

7-2-11    Legislative representation of consolidated county.

7-2-12    Property of consolidated counties.

7-2-12.1    Debt of newly consolidated county.

7-2-13    Revision of commissioner districts after change of county boundaries.

7-2-14    Transcription of records after change of county boundaries.

7-2-15    Tax levies, assessments, and retirement of indebtedness after change of boundaries.

7-2-16    Municipal election on adjustment of county boundaries to include all of municipality.

7-2-17    Certification of municipal election results to county auditors--Submission to voters of counties.

7-2-18    Questions submitted to county voters on boundary adjustment to include or exclude municipality.

7-2-19    7-2-19. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 15, § 3.