9-38-1    Municipal authority to maintain facilities and issue bonds--Limitations on campgrounds and tourist accommodations.

9-38-2    Municipal power to preserve trees and inclose public ground.

9-38-3    Agreements with and grants from federal agency.

9-38-4    Bonding power for park improvements.

9-38-5    Libraries, museums, and art galleries in parks.

9-38-6    Athletic facilities in parks--Fee for use--Special park fund.

9-38-7    Governing body to control parks unless board created.

9-38-8    Park boards in second and third class municipalities--Composition and functions--Qualifications of members--Teams.

9-38-9    Abolition of board in city-manager city.

9-38-10    Park board in municipality of first class--Qualifications and teams of members--Salaries of board members.

9-38-11    Boards of park supervisors continued as park boards.

9-38-12    9-38-12. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 49, § 3.

9-38-13    Bonds of park board members--Payment of premiums.

9-38-14    9-38-14 to 9-38-17. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 49, §§ 4 to 7.

9-38-18    9-38-18. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 62, § 34.

9-38-19    Legal assistance to park board.

9-38-20    Regulations for park board business--Contracts on behalf of city.

9-38-21    9-38-21. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 49, § 9.

9-38-22    Park board records as evidence.

9-38-23    Reports by park board to governing body--Records subject to inspection.

9-38-24    Board authority over parks and boulevards--Concessions.

9-38-25    Placement under park board of trees, vegetation, sidewalks, and crossings along parks and thoroughfares.

9-38-26    Qualifications and appointment of park superintendent--Duties and salary--Employment of other officers and employees.

9-38-27    Bonds required of park board officers and employees.

9-38-28    Destruction of weeds in first or second class municipality--Notice to property owners by publication.

9-38-29    Destruction of weeds by park board--Special assessment against property to cover cost.

9-38-30    Division of first or second class municipality into park districts--Change in districts on change in municipal boundaries.

9-38-31    Acquisition of property for parks and boulevards--Sources of payment.

9-38-32    Acceptance of gifts for parks and boulevards--Conditions permissible.

9-38-33    Purposes for which acquired land used.

9-38-34    Change of use of lands authorized by election.

9-38-34.1    Private sale of park land occupied by encroaching building prior to January 1, 1988--Appraisal--Election exemption--Exchange of land--Sale as administrative decision.

9-38-35    Structures within parks--Purposes for which authorized.

9-38-36    Board consent required for streets through parks--Vacation of streets and alleys--Special assessments.

9-38-37    Improvement and maintenance of streets under park board--Payment from district funds.

9-38-38    Contract for street improvements under park board--Supervision by board.

9-38-39    Grading of streets after condemnation--Jury assessment of benefits and damages.

9-38-40    Proceedings for ascertaining damages and benefits on grading of streets under park board.

9-38-41    Appropriations and expenditures for park and boulevard improvements.

9-38-42    Annual estimate for maintenance and improvement of parks and roads.

9-38-43    9-38-43. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 62, § 34.

9-38-44    Annual estimate for maintenance of trees and shrubbery.

9-38-45    9-38-45, 9-38-46. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 62, § 34.

9-38-47    Requisition by park board for expenditure of appropriated funds.

9-38-48    Park district moneys not to be diverted to other districts.

9-38-49    Repealed by SL 2012, ch 57, § 72.

9-38-50    Repealed

9-38-51    Repealed by SL 2012, ch 57, §§ 74 to 76.

9-38-54    Water for park purposes supplied by municipality--Charges against park district.

9-38-55    First or second class municipality not liable for negligent injuries in improvement or operation of park--Employee's rights preserved.

9-38-56    Ordinance required for building of railway across park or boulevard.

9-38-57    Board consent required for utility wires or posts on parks or boulevards--Regulation by board.

9-38-58    Assessments for street and sewer improvements benefitting park land paid from park funds.

9-38-59    Repealed by SL 2012, ch 57, § 73.

9-38-60    Municipal power to construct and operate swimming pools--Resolution of necessity--Sources of funds used.

9-38-61    Swimming pool revenue bonds authorized.

9-38-62    Authorization, issuance, and sale of bonds.

9-38-63    9-38-63. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 43, § 131.

9-38-64    Revenue from which swimming pool bonds payable--Lien on revenues--Municipal credit and taxing powers not pledged.

9-38-65    Covenant and agreements with holders of swimming pool revenue bonds--Application of revenues--Remedies of bondholders.

9-38-66    References in revenue bonds to authorizing resolution--Negotiability of bonds.

9-38-67    9-38-67, 9-38-68. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 43, § 131.

9-38-69    Special fund for swimming pool revenue bonds--Pledge of income.

9-38-70    9-38-70. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 43, § 131.

9-38-71    Establishment and collection of admission charges and rent for use of swimming pools--Expenses and bond payments to be covered by rents and charges.

9-38-72    Operating expenses paid from swimming pool fund--Appropriations from fund for bond payments and reserves.

9-38-73    Findings and determinations as covenants with holders of swimming pool revenue bonds.

9-38-74    Municipal indebtedness not authorized by swimming pool revenue bond law.

9-38-75    Severability of swimming pool revenue bond law and resolutions.

9-38-76    Gymnasium or community house authorized by voters--Bond issue.

9-38-77    Municipal borrowing power for recreation and playgrounds--Negotiable bonds.

9-38-78    Appropriations for playgrounds and athletics.

9-38-79    9-38-79. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 62, § 34.

9-38-80    Creation and purpose of recreation board--Delegation of powers to park board.

9-38-81    9-38-81. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 49, § 11.

9-38-82    Bond required of recreation board members--Payment of premiums.

9-38-83    9-38-83. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 49, § 12.

9-38-84    Documents and requisitions signed by board president or vice president--Countersigning of requisitions.

9-38-85    9-38-85. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 49, § 13.

9-38-86    Regulations for proceedings of recreation board--Contracts on behalf of city.

9-38-87    9-38-87. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 49, § 15.

9-38-88    Records of recreation board as evidence.

9-38-89    9-38-89. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 62, § 34.

9-38-90    Legal assistance to recreation board.

9-38-90.1    Combined park and recreation board--Powers and duties.

9-38-90.2    Members of combined board--Supervision.

9-38-90.3    Funds of combined board.

9-38-91    Powers of recreation board--Acquisition, maintenance, and supervision of land and facilities.

9-38-92    Park board responsibility for maintenance and improvement of recreation grounds--Parks used where possible.

9-38-93    Agreements by recreation board and park board for use of park grounds--Coordination of activities of boards.

9-38-94    Appointment, duties and compensation of director of recreation--Employment of other officers and employees.

9-38-95    Bonds required of recreation board officers and employees.

9-38-96    Recreation board recommendations by resolution--Ordinance based on recommendation.

9-38-97    Recreation board reports to governing body--Records subject to inspection.

9-38-98    Acceptance of gifts to first or second class municipality for recreational purposes.

9-38-99    Land acquisition for playgrounds and recreational purposes--Sources of money used in payment.

9-38-100    Contracts for construction and improvement of playgrounds and recreational facilities--Supervision by recreation board.

9-38-101    Expenses paid out of appropriated funds--Expenditure as other municipal funds.

9-38-102    9-38-102 to 9-38-104. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 62, § 34.

9-38-105    Municipality not liable for negligent injury in operation of playground and recreation system--Employee's rights preserved.

9-38-106    Special assessments for street and sewer improvements benefitting playground areas paid from recreational funds.

9-38-107    Appropriations for art galleries and museums--Board to control expenditures.

9-38-108    Appropriations for free musical concerts.

9-38-109    9-38-109 to 9-38-111. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 62, § 34.

9-38-112    Special park gift fund authorized.

9-38-113    Special recreation gift fund authorized.