
___________________ moved that SB 159 be amended as follows:

     On the printed bill, delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:

     Section 1. That § 10-59-7 be amended to read as follows:

     10-59-7.   The secretary may perform audits of the books and records of any person subject to tax in the chapters set out in § 10-59-1. Unless the secretary determines that delay may jeopardize the collection of a tax, the secretary shall mail a notice of intent to audit at least thirty days before commencement of the audit to the person to be audited. The thirty-day period may be waived by mutual consent of both parties. Any documents or records required to be kept by law to evidence reduction, deduction, or exemption from tax not prepared for presentation to the auditor within sixty days from the commencement date of the audit do not have to be considered by the auditor or the secretary , unless good cause is shown for failure to present the documents and records within the prescribed time period.

     For purposes of this section, good cause for failure to produce the documents and records in the prescribed time period exists if the additional evidence is material and there were good reasons for failure to present the documents and records within the prescribed time period . "