<html> <head> <title>Rule 02:01:12:02 Additional licensing requirements.</title> <META NAME="Keywords" Content="Administrative Rules 02:01:12:02"> <META NAME="Description" Content="Administrative Rules 02:01:12:02 Additional licensing requirements."> <meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Office HTML Filter 2.0"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name=Originator content="Microsoft Word 10"> <style> <!-- --> </style> </head> <body lang=EN-US> <div> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>2:01:12:02.&nbsp;&nbsp;Additional licensing requirements.</b>&nbsp; In addition to the licensing requirements in SDCL <A HREF="/statutes/DisplayStatute.aspx?Type=Statute&Statute=23-3-35.3">23-3-35.3</A>, a person must be at least 21 years of age to receive a license as a CVSA examiner.  The study requirements in SDCL 23-3-35.3(2) must be completed at a school or program approved by the executive secretary.  An applicant may not previously have had an examiner's license or its equivalent refused, revoked, suspended, or otherwise invalidated for any of the grounds listed in these rules.  An applicant may not previously have had certification as a law enforcement officer refused, revoked, suspended, or otherwise invalidated for any of the grounds listed in chapter 2:01:11.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>Source:</b> 31 SDR 94, effective January 4, 2005.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>General Authority:</b> SDCL <A HREF="/statutes/DisplayStatute.aspx?Type=Statute&Statute=23-3-35">23-3-35(13).</A></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>Law Implemented:</b> SDCL <A HREF="/statutes/DisplayStatute.aspx?Type=Statute&Statute=23-3-35.3">23-3-35.3.</A></p> </div> </body> </html>