0N-3-28 Bribery and corrupt solicitation of officers--Compelling testimony--Immunity from prosecut...
     § 28.   Bribery and corrupt solicitation of officers--Compelling testimony--Immunity from prosecution. Any person who shall give, demand, offer, directly or indirectly, any money, testimonial, privilege or personal advantage, thing of value to any executive or judicial officer or member of the Legislature, to influence him in the performance of any of his official or public duties, shall be guilty of bribery and shall be punished in such manner as shall be provided by law.
     The offense of corrupt solicitation of members of the Legislature, or of public officers of the state, or any municipal division thereof, and any effort towards solicitation of said members of the Legislature, or officers to influence their official actions shall be defined by law, and shall be punishable by fine and imprisonment.
     Any person may be compelled to testify in investigation or judicial proceedings against any person charged with having committed any offense of bribery or corrupt solicitation, and shall not be permitted to withhold his testimony upon the ground that it may criminate himself, but said testimony shall not afterwards be used against him in any judicial proceeding except for bribery in giving such testimony, and any person convicted of either of the offenses aforesaid shall be disqualified from holding any office or position or office of trust or profit in this state.

History: Repeal proposed by SL 1974, ch 1, rejected Nov. 5, 1974; repealed proposed by SL 1975, ch 2, as amended by SL 1976, ch 1, rejected Nov. 2, 1976.