Legislators Who Held Constitutional Offices
Abdnor, JamesKennebecLieutenant Governor1969 - 1971
Abel, EdwardBridgewaterLieutenant Governor1913 - 1915
Armstrong, MosesYanktonState Treasurer1865 - 1868
Bach, ChristenHurleyCommissioner of School & Public Lands1903 - 1907
Berry, TomBelvidereGovernor1933 - 1937
Boe, NilsSioux FallsGovernor1965 - 1969
Boe, NilsSioux FallsLieutenant Governor1963 - 1965
Bulow, WilliamBeresfordGovernor1927 - 1931
Burg, JamesWessington SpringsPublic Utilities Commissioner1987 - 2004
Burkhart, CharlesDixonSecretary of State1919 - 1922
Burtt, AlbertHuronAttorney General1902 - 1903(Appointed in 1902)
Byrne, FrankFaulktonGovernor1913 - 1917
Byrne, FrankFaulktonLieutenant Governor1911 - 1913
Cassill, CharlesCantonState Treasurer1907 - 1909
Cheney, F.Commissioner of School & Public Lands1983(Died in office January 16, 1983)
Clementson, JohnElk PointState Treasurer1875 - 1877
Cotton, SheldonVolgaCommissioner of School & Public Lands1985 - 1986
Covey, HyattHamillLieutenant Governor1927 - 1929
Crawford, CoePierreGovernor1907 - 1909
Crawford, CoePierreAttorney General1893 - 1897
Daugaard, DennisGarretsonGovernor2011 - 2018
Daugaard, DennisGarretsonLieutenant Governor2003 - 2010
Dollard, RobertScotlandAttorney General1889 - 1893
Dollard, RobertScotlandAttorney General1889 - 1893
Douglas, W.Willow LakeState Treasurer1939 - 1942(Resigned August 20, 1942)
Elkins, EdWatertownState Treasurer1955 - 1959
Engstrom, OleSummitCommissioner of School & Public Lands1925 - 1933
Ewert, AdolphPierreState Treasurer1913 - 1917
Fiegen, KristieSioux FallsPublic Utilities Commissioner2011
Forney, AlvaOelrichsLieutenant Governor1925 - 1927
Foss, JosephGovernor1955 - 1959
Gant, JasonSioux FallsSecretary of State2011 - 2014
Gerken, JohnHill CityCommissioner of School & Public Lands1979 - 1983
Gerken, JohnHill CityCommissioner of School & Public Lands1984(Appointed on July 25, 1984; Resigned November 8, 1984)
Gore, I.Elk PointState Auditor1864 - 1866
Green, WarrenGovernor1931 - 1933
Grigsby, MelvinSioux FallsAttorney General1897 - 1899
Grigsby, SiouxSioux FallsLieutenant Governor1945 - 1949
Gubbrud, ArchieAlcesterGovernor1961 - 1965
Gunderson, CarlVermillionGovernor1925 - 1927
Gunderson, CarlVermillionLieutenant Governor1921 - 1925
Hall, PhiloBrookingsAttorney General1903 - 1907
Hammerquist, EarlCommissioner of School & Public Lands1939 - 1943
Hamre, AlbertWillow LakeState Auditor1963 - 1967
Hamre, AlbertWillow LakeState Treasurer1959 - 1963
Hamre, AlbertWillow LakeState Treasurer1967 - 1969(Served office more than once)
Hansen, LowellSioux FallsLieutenant Governor1979 - 1986
Hanson, GarySioux FallsPublic Utilities Commissioner2003
Harding, G.PierreState Treasurer1991 - 1994
Helgerson, GustavMt. VernonState Treasurer1917 - 1921
Hepperle, FredEurekaCommissioner of School & Public Lands1913 - 1917(Appointed on February 26, 1913)
Herseth, RalphGovernor1959 - 1961
Hillard, CaroleRapid CityLieutenant Governor1995 - 2002
Hindman, DanielBrittonLieutenant Governor1897 - 1899
Hoffman, GeorgeBangorLieutenant Governor1891 - 1893
Houck, L.GettysburgLieutenant Governor1955 - 1959
Johnston, GeorgePublic Utilities Commissioner1893 - 1896
Jones, AugustineOlivetState Auditor1874 - 1876
King, JohnWatertownPublic Utilities Commissioner1889 - 1892
Kneip, RichardSalemGovernor1971 - 1978(Resigned to become Ambassador to Singapore)
Knight, NickolasCastlewoodCommissioner of School & Public Lands1917 - 1925
Krebs, ShantelSioux FallsSecretary of State2015 - 2018
Kundert, AliceMound CitySecretary of State1979 - 1987
Kundert, AliceMound CityState Auditor1969 - 1979
LaMoure, JudsonPembina, NDPublic Utilities Commissioner1889
Larsen, Mrs.Wessington SpringsSecretary of State1943 - 1947
Lawler, JohnMitchellState Treasurer1887 - 1888
LeCocq, Frank,HarrisonPublic Utilities Commissioner1901 - 1907
Lindley, JohnChamberlainLieutenant Governor1959 - 1961
Lunden, JohnBrookingsCommissioner of School & Public Lands1943 - 1949
McDougall, JohnBrittonLieutenant Governor1905 - 1907
McMaster, WilliamYanktonGovernor1921 - 1925
McMaster, WilliamYanktonLieutenant Governor1917 - 1921
Michels, MatthewYanktonLieutenant Governor2011 - 2018
Mickelson, GeorgeSelbyGovernor1947 - 1951
Mickelson, GeorgeBrookingsGovernor1987 - 1993(Died in office April 19, 1993)
Mickelson, GeorgeSelbyAttorney General1943 - 1947
Miller, A.KennebecLieutenant Governor1941 - 1945
Miller, WalterNew UnderwoodGovernor1993 - 1994
Miller, WalterNew UnderwoodLieutenant Governor1987 - 1993(Became Governor April 20, 1993, due to death of George S. Mickelson)
Mydland, GordonBrookingsAttorney General1969 - 1973
Nelson, PamelaSioux FallsPublic Utilities Commissioner1997
Nickeus, JohnsonJamestown, NDAttorney General1889
Noem, KristiCastlewoodGovernor2019-2022First woman elected Governor of SD
Norbeck, PeterRedfieldGovernor1917 - 1921
Norbeck, PeterRedfieldLieutenant Governor1915 - 1916
Overpeck, LemBelle FourcheLieutenant Governor1965 - 1969
Peterson, RobertCentervilleLieutenant Governor1935 - 1937
Phillips, FrankWatertownPublic Utilities Commissioner1891 - 1893
Pyle, GladysHuronSecretary of State1927 - 1931
Reeves, JayGrotonState Auditor1899 - 1903
Rhoden, LarryUnion CenterLieutenant Governor2019-2022
Rice, GeorgeFlandreauAttorney General1885 - 1886
Rice, GeorgeFlandreauAttorney General1885 - 1886
Rice, GeorgeFlandreauPublic Utilities Commissioner1907 - 1913
Rice, GeorgeFlandreauPublic Utilities Commissioner1907 - 1913
Rood, FrankAsh CreekSecretary of State1915 - 1919
Rounds, M.PierreGovernor2003-2010
Schamber, JohnFreemanState Treasurer1899 - 1903
Sheldon, CharlesPierpontGovernor1893 - 1897
Shober, HowardHighmoreLieutenant Governor1907 - 1911
Shriner, WilliamVermillionState Auditor1870 - 1872
Snow, GeorgeLieutenant Governor1901 - 1905
Stofferahn, KennethPierrePublic Utilities Commissioner1979 - 1997
Strand, NealCantonState Treasurer1969 - 1973
Taylor, J.Brule CreekState Treasurer1863 - 1864
Terry, RexFt. PierreLieutenant Governor1949 - 1955
Vessey, RobertWessington SpringsGovernor1909 - 1913
Whitney, OdellPhilipLieutenant Governor1931 - 1933
Wollman, HarveyHitchcockGovernor1978
Wollman, HarveyHitchcockLieutenant Governor1975 - 1978(Became Governor July 24, 1978, due to resignation of Richard F. Kneip)
Youngquist, E.CarterState Treasurer1943 - 1945(Died in office July 8, 1945)