Representative John Mills - 2024
Prime Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1216 | HB | 1216 | create the local assistance fund and to provide for the transfer of certain unobligated cash balances. |
HB 1217 | HB | 1217 | allow a city or county to impose local restrictions and regulations on video lottery. |
HB 1240 | HB | 1240 | permit a homeowner's association, development, or incorporated community to modify a restrictive covenant. |
HCR 6006 | HCR | 6006 | Urging the members of South Dakota's congressional delegation to sponsor and support an amendment to the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Act. |
SB 35 | SB | 35 | provide that certain personal information of a lottery prize winner may only be used for advertising or promotion with the winner's consent. |
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1001 | HB | 1001 | repeal the expiration of a reduction in certain gross receipts and use tax rates. |
HB 1009 | HB | 1009 | modify the observation of time in South Dakota. |
HB 1024 | HB | 1024 | require that an application for a medical marijuana registry identification card include a notice of federal law regarding firearms and the unlawful use of a controlled substance. |
HB 1035 | HB | 1035 | extend the period of renewal for an enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol. |
HB 1068 | HB | 1068 | allow disabled veterans to obtain a standard issue county motor vehicle or motorcycle license plate. |
HB 1070 | HB | 1070 | provide for the use of the obligation recovery center by counties. |
HB 1073 | HB | 1073 | keep interest earned on incarceration construction fund moneys in the same fund. |
HB 1079 | HB | 1079 | require property owner permission or a siting permit prior to entry for an examination and survey. |
HB 1090 | HB | 1090 | revise provisions related to tax deeds and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1130 | HB | 1130 | revise water development district boundaries. |
HB 1150 | HB | 1150 | enable the exercise of control by local governments over the presence and operation of medical marijuana establishments within their jurisdictions. |
HB 1162 | HB | 1162 | revise certain provisions pertaining to time of school district elections. |
HB 1190 | HB | 1190 | establish public use criteria for purposes of condemnation proceedings. |
HB 1193 | HB | 1193 | provide that required siting permits be filed with condemnation petitions. |
HB 1199 | HB | 1199 | repeal certain provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code. |
HB 1219 | HB | 1219 | prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for the construction of pipelines carrying carbon oxide. |
HB 1228 | HB | 1228 | provide that required exterior hunting garments may be fluorescent pink. |
HB 1250 | HB | 1250 | provide for the creation and use of South Dakota educational empowerment accounts. |
HB 1257 | HB | 1257 | require the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council to establish an interim study committee on minors' access to pornographic material. |
HC 8003 | HC | 8003 | Recognizing the Chester Lady Flyers as the 2023 State B Volleyball Champions. |
HC 8005 | HC | 8005 | Recognizing and celebrating the De Smet Bulldogs as the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Class B boys' basketball state champions. |
HC 8007 | HC | 8007 | Recognizing and expressing gratitude for fifty years of prudent and reliable financial stewardship of the state pension program by the South Dakota Retirement System. |
HC 8010 | HC | 8010 | Celebrating the life of Robert "Bob" Montross of De Smet, South Dakota. |
HC 8013 | HC | 8013 | Honoring Hayden Joe Schmautz of Fort Pierre for a life of service tragically cut short. |
HC 8016 | HC | 8016 | Honoring the life of Kenneth Michael Prorok. |
HCR 6001 | HCR | 6001 | Supporting the Electoral College. |
HCR 6003 | HCR | 6003 | To create the One Hundredth Session Planning Committee of the South Dakota Legislature. |
HCR 6004 | HCR | 6004 | Affirming the Legislature's support and commitment of the State of Israel. |
HCR 6008 | HCR | 6008 | Opposing an initiated measure to place the right to an abortion in the Constitution of South Dakota. |
HCR 6010 | HCR | 6010 | Acknowledging the need to protect our borders and affirming South Dakota's support of the defense of the southern border. |
SB 5 | SB | 5 | reduce the amount of time required before the removal of a city manager is effective. |
SB 12 | SB | 12 | authorize certain employer actions regarding the use of cannabis by an employee or a prospective employee. |
SB 31 | SB | 31 | create the indigent legal services fund, to provide ongoing revenue therefor, and to make an appropriation therefor. |
SB 32 | SB | 32 | provide for the distribution of tax revenue from certain gross receipts occurring on fairgrounds. |
SB 72 | SB | 72 | increase the annual limit of tax credits that an insurance company may claim through the partners in education tax credit program. |
SB 81 | SB | 81 | expand permission on installing electric wiring in a residence. |
SB 82 | SB | 82 | modify standards for a bona fide practitioner-patient relationship required prior to the issuance of a medical cannabis certification. |
SB 92 | SB | 92 | prohibit automatic issuance of video lottery machines to a restaurant operating with a full-service restaurant on-sale license. |
SB 197 | SB | 197 | revise provisions regarding the alcohol beverage fund. |
SC 802 | SC | 802 | Celebrating John and Laurie Stiegelmeier’s contributions to the State of South Dakota and South Dakota State University. |
SC 807 | SC | 807 | Honoring the life of Kenneth Michael Prorok. |
SCR 601 | SCR | 601 | Celebrating the sister-state relationship with Taiwan. |
SJR 501 | SJR | 501 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election, an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, authorizing the state to impose work requirements on certain individuals who are eligible for expanded Medicaid. |
SJR 503 | SJR | 503 | Applying for a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States, to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office for members of Congress and other federal officials. |
SJR 508 | SJR | 508 | Applying for a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States, to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office for members of Congress and other federal officials. |