20:47:08:03. Ethical considerations. The Board may utilize the annotations and opinions included in Code of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association 2012-2013 edition as guidance in determining whether a licensee has violated professional ethical standards and conduct.
Source: 41 SDR 180, effective May 21, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 36-4-35.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-4-11, 36-4-28, 36-4-29, 36-4-29.1, 36-4-30.
Reference: Code of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association 2012-2013 edition, annotations prepared by the southern Illinois University School of Medicine. Copies may be viewed at the Board's office or obtained from the American Medical Association by calling 1-800-621-8335 or website at www.amabookstore.org.