20:70:01 Fees.
20:70:02 Continuing education.
20:70:03 Ethics.
Declaratory Ruling: Declaratory Ruling of the Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners dated September 21, 1994, was vacated by the Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners by order of the board dated March 30, 2015.
20:70:01:01. Fees. The initial fee for a license to practice respiratory care is $75. The biennial fee for renewal of a license is $60. The fee for the late renewal of a license is $95. The fee for a temporary permit is $40.
Source: 22 SDR 61, effective November 5, 1995.
General Authority:SDCL 36-4C-14.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-4C-13.
20:70:02:01. Continuing education. As a condition of license renewal, respiratory care practitioners must complete at least 20 credit hours of continuing education biennially from a program sponsored by the American Association for Respiratory Care or an inservice program conducted by a hospital or related institution licensed pursuant to SDCL chapter 34-12. The program must be related to the practice of respiratory care and designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the practitioner.
Source: 22 SDR 61, effective November 5, 1995.
General Authority:SDCL 36-4C-14.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-4C-12.
CHAPTER 20:70:03
20:70:03:01 Ethics.
20:70:03:02 Violations.
20:70:03:03 Ethical considerations.
20:70:03:01. Ethics. A licensee under SDCL chapter 36-4C shall comply with the following code of ethics.
● Demonstrate behavior that reflects integrity, supports objectivity, and fosters trust in the profession and its professionals.
● Seek educational opportunities to improve and maintain their professional competence and document their participation accurately.
● Perform only those procedures or functions in which they are individually competent and which are within their scope of accepted and responsible practice.
● Respect and protect the legal and personal rights of patients, including the right to privacy, informed consent, and refusal of treatment.
● Divulge no protected information regarding any patient or family unless disclosure is required for the responsible performance of duty authorized by the patient and/or family, or required by law.
● Provide care without discrimination on any basis, with respect for the rights and dignity of all individuals.
● Promote disease prevention and wellness.
● Refuse to participate in illegal or unethical acts.
● Refuse to conceal, and will report, the illegal, unethical, fraudulent, or incompetent acts of others.
● Follow sound scientific procedures and ethical principles in research.
● Comply with state or federal laws which govern and relate to their practice.
● Avoid any form of conduct that is fraudulent or creates a conflict of interest, and shall follow the principles of ethical business behavior.
● Promote health care delivery through improvement of the access, efficacy, and cost of patient care.
● Encourage and promote appropriate stewardship of resources.
Source: 41 SDR 180, effective May 21, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 36-4C-14.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-4C-15, 36-4C-18.
Reference: Statement of Ethics and Professional Conduct of the American Association for Respiratory Care, 2012. Copies may be obtained from
20:70:03:03. Ethical considerations. The board may utilize the annotations and opinions included in the Statement of Ethics and Professional Conduct of the American Association for Respiratory Care as guidance in determining whether a licensee has violated professional ethical standards and conduct.
Source: 41 SDR 180, effective May 21, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 36-4C-14.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-4C-15, 36-4C-18.