CHAPTER 44:06:01
44:06:01:00 Definitions.
44:06:01:01 Program scope.
44:06:01:02 Transferred.
44:06:01:03 Repealed.
44:06:01:04 Transferred.
44:06:01:05 Diagnostic and consultation clinics.
44:06:01:06 Right to administrative review and fair hearing.
44:06:01:07 Confidentiality.
44:06:01:08 Termination of eligibility.
44:06:01:08.01 Repealed.
44:06:01:09 Referrals.
44:06:01:10 Repealed.
44:06:01:00. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter
(1) "Care coordination
services," services to promote the effective and efficient organization
and utilization of resources to ensure access to necessary comprehensive
services for children with chronic medical conditions and their families;
(2) "Chronic medical
condition," condition has existed or is expected to exist for two years or
more, requires evaluation, consultation and medical treatment, and is a
coverable condition under the CSHS program as listed in § 44:06:06:01;
(3) "Client," an
individual who is determined by CSHS to be eligible for and receiving services;
(4) "Consultation,"
the medical examination and testing by a specialist needed to determine the
cause of and possible treatment for a suspected or known chronic medical
(5) "Copay," the
obligation of the family or legal guardian for either partial or full payment
of the medical cost after submission of the bill to a health insurance plan;
(6) "Cost share,"
a family's percentage of financial participation in the cost of CSHS authorized
services determined by family size and income;
(7) "CSHS,"
children's special health services;
(8) "Deductible,"
the specified amount that must be met in medical costs and paid by the family
or policy holder before a health insurance plan will pay;
(9) "Department,"
the South Dakota Department of Health;
(10) "Diagnostic
services," use of scientific medical methods to establish the cause and
nature of a person's illness or chronic medical condition;
(11) "Financial
assistance," determined amount paid to a provider by CSHS on a client's
(12) "Individual case
review," the process whereby a team of individuals from the department
reviews a request to consider an individual's medical eligibility or treatment;
(13) "Participating
provider," a provider who has a current, signed
participating provider agreement with CSHS;
(14) "Primary care
physician," the physician to whom a family or individual goes for
management of care for acute illness and ongoing health needs;
(15) "Secretary,"
the South Dakota secretary of health or the secretary's designee;
(16) "Third-party
resource," a public or private agency or entity which is or may be liable
to pay all or part of the medical costs of an applicant or client, including
private insurance, Civilian Health and Medical Program Uniformed Services,
Medicaid, Medicare, Indian Health Services, and other sources of funds
available to the applicant or client for medical care;
(17) "Treatment,"
medical or surgical intervention, or both, to alleviate a chronic medical
condition; and
(18) "Usual and
customary charge," the individual provider's normal charge to the general
public for a specific service on the date the service was provided.
20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993; 23 SDR 91, effective December 9, 1996;
30 SDR 198, effective June 23, 2004; 33 SDR 106, effective December 26, 2006.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:01:01. Program scope. The CSHS program, through
federal and state moneys, provides care coordination services, diagnostic and
consultation clinics, and financial assistance for travel reimbursement and
specified procedures and treatment for those who qualify under this chapter.
3 SDR 2, effective July 15, 1976; 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155,
effective May 27, 1982; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91,
effective December 19, 1993; 23 SDR 91, effective December 9, 1996; 30 SDR 198,
effective June 23, 2004; 34 SDR 93, effective October 17, 2007.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:01:02. Transferred to § 44:06:02:04.
44:06:01:03. Information required on application.Repealed.
Source: 3 SDR 2, effective July 15, 1976; repealed, 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980.
44:06:01:04. Transferred to § 44:06:02:05.
44:06:01:05. Diagnostic and consultation clinics. The CSHS program shall provide scheduled and announced diagnostic and consultation clinics at designated locations within the state based on need, availability of the needed pediatric specialists, and available resources.
Source: 3 SDR 2, effective July 15, 1976; 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993; 30 SDR 198, effective June 23, 2004.
General Authority:SDCL 34-1-21.
Law Implemented:SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:01:06. Right to administrative review and fair hearing.
An applicant for or recipient of CSHS who is aggrieved by an action taken with
regard to the furnishing or denial of such services may appeal under the
provisions of chapter 1-26 as a contested case.
3 SDR 2, effective July 15, 1976; 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 9 SDR 162,
effective June 20, 1983; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91,
effective December 19, 1993; 34 SDR 93, effective October 17, 2007.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:01:07. Confidentiality. All records and information concerning individuals are confidential and may not be divulged to anyone without the consent of the individual, parent, or legal guardian. However, the CSHS program may release records if required by state law, for the purposes of a medical study if an individual's identity will not be published, if it is necessary to provide care for the individual, or if it is necessary for the protection of the community. The CSHS program may release statistical information.
Source: 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993.
General Authority:SDCL 34-1-21.
Law Implemented:SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:01:08. Termination of eligibility. Eligibility for
the CSHS program ends if any of the following conditions exists:
(1) The client reaches the
twenty-first birthday;
(2) The client is no longer
a resident of the state;
(3) The client does not
have a chronic medical condition covered by CSHS; or
(4) The income of the
client's family or legal guardian, responsible for the client's care, exceeds
the federal poverty guidelines specified in § 44:06:04:01.
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982; 14 SDR
182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993; 23 SDR
91, effective December 9, 1996; 30 SDR 198, effective June 23, 2004; 33 SDR
106, effective December 26, 2006; 34 SDR 322, effective June 30, 2008.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:01:08.01. Termination of eligibility for financial
assistance. Repealed.
33 SDR 106, effective December 26, 2006; repealed, 34 SDR 322, effective June
30, 2008.
44:06:01:10. Children's comprehensive health care services (CCHCS) advisory committee.Repealed.
Source: 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; repealed, 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982.
CHAPTER 44:06:02
44:06:02:01 Transferred.
44:06:02:02 Eligibility for the CSHS program.
44:06:02:03 Repealed.
44:06:02:04 Financial assistance eligibility requirements.
44:06:02:05 Financial assistance authorized services requirements.
44:06:02:06 Treatment services financially covered.
44:06:02:01. Transferred to § 44:06:02:02.
44:06:02:02 Eligibility for the CSHS program. All of the
following criteria must be met before individuals can be determined eligible
for the CSHS program:
(1) The client is a
resident of South Dakota;
(2) The client is under age
(3) The client's chronic
medical condition is coverable by CSHS; and
(4) The income of the
client's family or legal guardian, responsible for the client's care, is below
the federal poverty guidelines specified in § 44:06:04:01.
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982; 9 SDR 162,
effective June 20, 1983; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91,
effective December 19, 1993; eligibility requirements for diagnostic evaluation
and consultation services transferred from § 44:06:02:01, 23 SDR 91
effective December 9, 1996; 30 SDR 198, effective June 23, 2004; 33 SDR 106,
effective December 26, 2006; 34 SDR 93, effective October 17, 2007; 34 SDR 322,
effective June 30, 2008.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:02:03. Eligibility for individuals adopted, outside of
home, or married. Repealed.
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993; 23
SDR 91, effective December 9, 1996; repealed, 33 SDR 106, effective December 26,
44:06:02:04. Financial assistance eligibility requirements.
Before any services may be authorized or financial assistance provided, a
written application must be submitted to the CSHS program by the parent or
legal guardian of the child seeking assistance using forms and process
designated by CSHS. Specific information required to determine eligibility for
financial assistance is child's chronic medical condition, proof of family
income as listed on the most recent tax return or proof of current monthly income,
and family size. Reapplication is required yearly or upon a change in family
financial status or family size.
Applicants for CSHS financial
assistance must apply for benefits from other programs for which they may be
eligible. The CSHS program may pay only after it has been determined the
applicant is not eligible for other programs. The CSHS program shall review all
applications for possible eligibility for other programs and shall make
applicable referrals.
3 SDR 2, effective July 15, 1976; 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 14 SDR 182,
effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993; 23 SDR 91,
effective December 9, 1996; transferred from § 44:06:01:02, 30 SDR 198,
effective June 23, 2004; 33 SDR 106, effective December 26, 2006; 34 SDR 322,
effective June 30, 2008.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:02:05. Financial assistance authorized services
requirements. The CSHS program shall provide written notice to authorize
financial assistance for specified procedures and treatment. All services must
be preauthorized. The authorization must outline the services covered, the time
period of coverage, and the family's financial responsibility toward the
service authorized. In an emergency, CSHS may give an oral authorization, but
the parent or legal guardian of the child must notify CSHS within five working
days of the emergency services.
3 SDR 2, effective July 15, 1976; 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155,
effective May 27, 1982; 9 SDR 162, effective June 20, 1983; 14 SDR 182,
effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993; 23 SDR 91,
effective December 9, 1996; transferred from § 44:06:01:04, 30 SDR 198,
effective June 23, 2004; 34 SDR 322, effective June 30, 2008.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
Eligibility for diagnostic and consultation clinics, § 44:06:02:02;
Financial eligibility -- Schedule of discounts, § 44:06:04:01.
44:06:02:06. Treatment services financially covered. The
department may provide financial assistance through CSHS only for preauthorized
medical and surgical services for the treatment of the eligible condition and
for the preservation of the benefits derived from the treatment. To receive
treatment services, the child shall be medically eligible for CSHS pursuant to
§§ 44:06:02:04 and 44:06:01:08 and the child's family shall meet the
financial eligibility specified in § 44:06:04:01.
Services covered under this article
must be medically necessary. To be medically necessary, the covered services
must meet the following conditions:
(1) It is consistent with
the child's symptoms, diagnosis, or condition; and
(2) It is recognized as the
prevailing standard and is consistent with generally accepted professional
medical standards of the provider's peer group.
33 SDR 106, effective December 26, 2006.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
CHAPTER 44:06:03
44:06:03:01 Standards for and approval of providers.
44:06:03:02 Out-of-state care.
44:06:03:03 Repealed.
44:06:03:04 Provider reimbursement.
44:06:03:05 Acceptance of payment.
44:06:03:01. Standards for and approval of providers. All providers of CSHS authorized services must be participating providers with CSHS. Physicians and other CSHS providers must be licensed by their respective licensing authority.
Source: 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993; 30 SDR 198, effective June 23, 2004.
General Authority:SDCL 34-1-21.
Law Implemented:SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:03:02. Out-of-state care. Out-of-state care that meets the standards of § 44:06:03:01 may be permitted if the following conditions are met:
(1) Service of comparable quality is not available within the state; or
(2) The individual is in the middle of complex care that was initiated before the development of the in-state service or application to CSHS.
Source: 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993; 30 SDR 198, effective June 23, 2004.
General Authority:SDCL 34-1-21.
Law Implemented:SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:03:03. Provider agreements.Repealed.
Source: 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; repealed, 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982.
44:06:03:04. Provider reimbursement. The CSHS program
shall pay providers for authorized services rendered according to the
(1) If CSHS is the primary
payer for physician, laboratory, radiology, and pharmacy services, the
reimbursement shall be at the Medicaid (Title XIX) reimbursement rates in
Appendix A, B, C, or D to chapters 67:16:02 and 67:16:14;
(2) If CSHS is the primary
payer for inpatient or outpatient hospitalizations, the reimbursement shall be
at sixty-eight percent of allowable billed charges; or
(3) If CSHS is the
secondary payer the reimbursement shall be the family copay amount; or the
balance after any insurance or health plan payment is first deducted from the
provider's bill.
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR
91, effective December 19, 1993; 23 SDR 91, effective December 9, 1996; 30 SDR
198, effective June 23, 2004; 33 SDR 106, effective December 26, 2006; 34 SDR
322, effective June 30, 2008.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:03:05. Acceptance of payment. By the acceptance of
a payment made by the CSHS program, a provider agrees to accept the CSHS amount
allowable as payment in full for services rendered.
14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993; 34
SDR 322, effective June 30, 2008.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
Commission Note: Appendix A to § 44:06:03:04, published separately,
and Appendixes B, C, and D to § 44:06:03:04 were repealed by 14 SDR 182,
effective July 11, 1988.
CHAPTER 44:06:04
44:06:04:01 Financial eligibility.
44:06:04:02 and 44:06:04:03 Repealed.
44:06:04:04 Mileage reimbursement.
44:06:04:01. Financial eligibility. A client is eligible
to receive financial assistance from the CSHS program if the income of the
client's family or legal guardian, responsible for the client's care, is below
250 percent of the federal poverty guidelines established in 74 Fed. Reg.
4199-4201 (January 23, 2009).
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982; 9 SDR 162,
effective June 20, 1983; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91,
effective December 19, 1993; 23 SDR 91, effective December 9, 1996; 30 SDR 198,
effective June 23, 2004; 33 SDR 106, effective December 26, 2006; 33 SDR 212,
effective June 4, 2007; 34 SDR 271, effective May 5, 2008; 34 SDR 322,
effective June 30, 2008; 35 SDR 253, effective May 11, 2009.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
Financial assistance authorized services requirements, § 44:06:02:05.
44:06:04:02. Financial need -- Cost-sharing. Repealed.
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982; 14 SDR
182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993; 23 SDR
91, effective December 9, 1996; 30 SDR 198, effective June 23, 2004; 33 SDR
106, effective December 26, 2006; repealed, 34 SDR 322, effective June 30,
44:06:04:03. Exceptions to financial participation.Repealed.
Source: 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; repealed, 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993.
44:06:04:04. Mileage reimbursement. A financially
eligible family, as determined pursuant to § 44:06:04:01 is eligible to
receive mileage reimbursement from the CSHS program. Mileage reimbursement is
calculated based on map miles from the family's city of residence to the city
where medical services were provided, at state rates determined pursuant to
SDCL 3-9-1, and upon meeting the following criteria:
(1) The mileage was
incurred transporting the eligible client to or from medically necessary
services covered by § 44:06:02:06 or both; and
(2) The mileage was
incurred at least ten miles outside the city limits of the family's residence,
as listed on the family's mailing address.
34 SDR 93, effective October 17, 2007.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
CHAPTER 44:06:05
44:06:05:01 Billing procedures.
44:06:05:02 Third-party sources.
44:06:05:03 Maximum allowed for financial assistance.
44:06:05:01. Billing procedures. The CSHS program shall
pay the provider for authorized services rendered after receiving pertinent
billing information as follows:
(1) A completed
standardized billing form received within one year from the service date; and
(2) An insurance deduction
or rejection shown on the billing form with an attached explanation of benefits
from the insurance plan, or if a prescription drug claim, a completed CSHS
prescription drug claim form allowing the pharmacy to bill CSHS without an
explanation of benefits form.
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR
91, effective December 19, 1993; 30 SDR 198, effective June 23, 2004; 33 SDR
106, effective December 26, 2006; 34 SDR 93, effective October 17, 2007.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:05:02. Third-party sources. Claims for services payable by third-party sources must be initiated by providers. The CSHS program shall apply payments from third-party sources toward the cost of services rendered.
Source: 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993.
General Authority:SDCL 34-1-21.
Law Implemented:SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:05:03. Maximum allowed for financial assistance. An
eligible client is allowed a maximum of $20,000 each state fiscal year for
preauthorized services related to the client's coverable chronic medical
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982; 9 SDR 162,
effective June 20, 1983; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 30 SDR 198,
effective June 23, 2004; 33 SDR 106, effective December 26, 2006.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
CHAPTER 44:06:06
44:06:06:01 Chronic medical conditions covered.
44:06:06:02 Repealed.
44:06:06:03 Diagnostic and consultation services covered.
44:06:06:04 to 44:06:06:06 Repealed.
44:06:06:07 Services and conditions not covered.
44:06:06:01. Chronic medical conditions covered. Chronic
medical conditions which may be covered for an eligible individual include the
(1) Genetics:
(a) Multiple anomaly
(b) Genetic
conditions; and
(c) Chromosomal disorders;
(2) Cardiology:
(a) Cyanotic heart
(b) Acyanotic heart
(c) Cardiomyopathies
and pericarditis;
(d) Rheumatic heart
(e) Arrythmias;
(f) Systemic
(g) Kawasaki disease;
(h) Other cardiac
conditions which are complex and chronic;
(3) Gastroenterology:
(a) Malabsorption
(b) Inflammatory bowel
disease/ulcerative colitis;
(c) Congenital
abnormalities of gastrointestinal tract, excluding pyloric stenosis and
umbilical or femoral/inguinal hernias;
(d) Esophageal reflux;
(e) Other
gastrointestinal conditions which are complex and chronic;
(4) Pulmonary:
(a) Cystic fibrosis;
(b) Asthma;
(c) Bronchopulmonary
(d) Pectus excovatum;
(e) Tracheo -
esophageal Fistula (with or without reflux); and
(f) Other pulmonary
conditions which are complex and chronic;
(5) Craniofacial anomalies:
(a) Cleft lip and
palate; and
(b) Other congenital
craniofacial anomalies that are complex and chronic;
(6) Endocrinology:
(a) Thyroid
(b) Delayed
(c) Parathyroid
(d) Sexual precocity;
(e) Pituitary tumors;
(f) Inborn errors of
(g) Diabetes mellitus
or insipidus; and
(h) Other endocrine
conditions which are complex and chronic;
(7) Hematology/hemophilia/oncology:
(a) Chronic anemia;
(b) Neutropenias;
(c) Leukemias;
(d) Clotting
(e) Solid tumors;
(f) Hemophilia A;
(g) Hemophilia B; and
(h) Other
hematology/oncology conditions which are complex and chronic;
(8) Children's
(a) Congenital
(b) Myelomeningocele;
(c) Juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis;
(d) Scoliosis;
(e) Congenital dislocation
of the hip;
(f) Slipped capital
femoral epiphysis;
(g) Club foot; and
(h) Other multiple
physical disabilities which are complex and chronic;
(9) Neurology:
(a) Congenital
anomalies of the central nervous system;
(b) Seizure disorders;
(c) Chronic
neuromuscular disorders;
(d) Cerebral palsy;
(e) Other neurological
disorders which are complex and chronic;
(10) Renal:
(a) Chronic
(b) Nephrosis;
(c) Chronic renal
tubular disease;
(d) Congenital
anomalies of the urinary tract; and
(e) Chronic renal
disease resulting from structural abnormalities of urinary tract;
(11) Ophthalmology:
(a) Severe myopia;
(b) Strabismus;
(c) Congenital
(d) Glaucoma; and
(e) Amblyopia.
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982; 9 SDR 162,
effective June 20, 1983; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91,
effective December 19, 1993; 23 SDR 91, effective December 9, 1996; 30 SDR 198,
effective June 23, 2004; 33 SDR 106, effective December 26, 2006.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:06:02. Preliminary diagnostic services covered.Repealed.
Source: 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982; 9 SDR 162, effective June 20, 1983; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993; repealed, 23 SDR 91, effective December 9, 1996.
44:06:06:03. Diagnostic and consultation services covered.
Diagnostic and consultation services coverable through CSHS include those
scientific medical methods necessary to establish the cause and nature of a
child's chronic medical condition by use of a medical examination and tests to
determine a definitive diagnosis and possible treatment.
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982; 9 SDR 162,
effective June 20, 1983; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91, effective
December 19, 1993; 23 SDR 91, effective December 9, 1996; 30 SDR 198, effective
June 23, 2004; 33 SDR 106, effective December 26, 2006.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.
44:06:06:04. Treatment services covered. Repealed.
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982; 9 SDR 162,
effective June 20, 1983; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91,
effective December 19, 1993; 23 SDR 91, effective December 9, 1996; 30 SDR 198,
effective June 23, 2004; repealed, 33 SDR 106, effective December 26, 2006.
44:06:06:05. Supplemental security income/disabled children's program.Repealed.
Source: 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; repealed, 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993.
44:06:06:06. Services covered under SSI.Repealed.
Source: 6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; repealed, 20 SDR 91, effective December 19, 1993.
44:06:06:07. Services and conditions not covered.
Services and conditions not covered under the CSHS program include the
(1) Doctor visits for
routine care unless recommended by the specialist in charge;
(2) Routine dental care,
except for that requested by an orthodontist for a child with a cleft palate;
(3) Surgical procedures
with any associated hospitalizations except upon individual case review;
(4) Cosmetic surgery except
upon individual case review for cleft lip or palate or both;
(5) Acute accidents or
(6) Vocational
(7) Special education;
(8) Appliance repairs;
(9) Room and board;
(10) Ambulance charges;
(11) Supplies and
appliances as follows:
(a) Artificial eyes;
(b) Catheters except for renal disorders;
(c) Contact lenses except upon individual case review for congenital
(d) Crutches;
(e) Over-the-counter drugs and medications, except upon individual
case review;
(f) Glasses;
(g) Hearing aids, except upon individual review;
(h) Immunizations;
(i) Kidney dialysis machines;
(j) Prosthesis, except upon individual review;
(k) Shoes;
(l) Special beds;
(m) Speech appliances except for obturators;
(n) Walkers;
(o) Wheelchairs; and
(p) Dietary supplements, except upon individual case review;
(12) Infectious diseases;
(13) Organ transplants;
(14) Fractures or other
acute trauma;
(15) Kidney dialysis;
(16) Undescended testicles;
(17) Intestinal
(18) Imperforate anus;
(19) Experimental
procedures; and
(20) Psychological
6 SDR 93, effective July 1, 1980; 8 SDR 155, effective May 27, 1982; 9 SDR 162,
effective June 20, 1983; 14 SDR 182, effective July 11, 1988; 20 SDR 91,
effective December 19, 1993; 23 SDR 91, effective December 9, 1996; 30 SDR 198,
effective June 23, 2004; 33 SDR 106, effective December 26, 2006; 34 SDR 93,
effective October 17, 2007.
Authority: SDCL 34-1-21.
Implemented: SDCL 34-1-21.