CHAPTER 44:22:01
44:22:01:01 Definitions.
44:22:01:02 Organization and structure.
44:22:01:03 Functions of central cancer registry.
44:22:01:01. Definitions. Terms used in this article
(1) "Abstract," a
summary from the medical record of pertinent cancer information about the
patient, the disease, the cancer-directed treatment, and the disease process
from the time of diagnosis until the patient's death;
(2) "Cancer,"
(a) Any malignant and
in situ neoplasm of any site, excluding any basal and squamous cell carcinoma
of the skin;
(b) Any basal and
squamous cell carcinoma of any mucoepidermoid site; and
(c) Any brain and
central nervous system neoplasm regardless of malignancy;
(3) "Central cancer
registry," "SDCR," the South Dakota Cancer Registry, the central
database of cancer cases in South Dakota maintained by the department;
(4) "Department,"
the South Dakota Department of Health;
(5) "Disease
index," a listing of patients from a reporting entity organized by a
disease or diagnosis code;
(6) "Free-standing
radiology center," a radiology center operating independently of a
hospital system;
(7) "Hospital,"
an establishment licensed pursuant to SDCL chapter 34-12;
(8) "NAACCR," the
North American Association of Central Cancer Registries;
(9) "NPCR," the
National Program of Cancer Registries;
(10) "Nurse midwife," a person licensed pursuant to SDCL chapter 36-9A;
(11) "Nurse
practitioner," a person licensed pursuant to SDCL chapter 36-9A;
(12) "Pathology
laboratory," a health care facility responsible for the microscopic
analysis of tissues and body fluids;
(13) "Physician,"
a person licensed pursuant to SDCL chapter 36-4;
(14) "Physician
assistant," a person licensed pursuant to SDCL chapter 36-4A;
(15) "Primary cancer
site," the site where a cancer originates;
(16) "Record,"
any section of a patient's health information file that is needed for a
complete cancer abstract;
(17) "Research,"
any systematic investigation designed to answer a defined scientific question
that requires collection and analysis of data in order to develop or contribute
to generalizable knowledge;
(18) "Researcher,"
the primary investigator or project director of a study; and
(19) "Tumor
registry," a data collection management system with complete cancer
abstracts in a NAACCR layout.
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002; 32
SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13.
44:22:01:02. Organization and structure. The department
is the custodian of the central cancer registry and is responsible for the
overall collection, validation, analysis, and dissemination of data and
information related to the system. The department may enter into agreements or
contracts with other public or private entities in performing these functions.
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002; 32
SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-12, 1-43-13.
44:22:01:03. Functions of central cancer registry. The
central cancer registry is a surveillance system and shall be used to:
(1) Monitor the incidence
and mortality of cancer in the state to detect potential public health
(2) Inform and educate by
providing descriptive data on cancer incidence and mortality to health
professionals and the general public about risks, prevention, and early
detection of cancers known to be elevated in their communities;
(3) Guide decisions about
how to use public-funded cancer control resources by more accurately targeting
intervention resources for communities and patients and their families; and
(4) Respond to public
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002; 32
SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13.
CHAPTER 44:22:02
44:22:02:01 Entities required to provide report.
44:22:02:02 Reportable conditions -- General criteria.
44:22:02:03 to 44:22:02:05 Repealed.
44:22:02:06 Reportable data elements for tumor registries.
44:22:02:07 Method of reporting for tumor registries.
44:22:02:08 Repealed.
44:22:02:09 Method of reporting for pathology laboratories.
44:22:02:09.01 Method of reporting for hospitals without tumor registries, physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and free-standing radiology centers.
44:22:02:10 Reporting for other entities.
44:22:02:01. Entities required to provide report. Any
hospital, physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or nurse midwife,
pathology laboratory, or free-standing radiology center that detects,
diagnoses, or treats a cancer case in South Dakota shall submit the information
needed on a cancer case to the department or its representative as required by
§§ 1-43-11 to 1-43-17, inclusive.
A federal tumor registry may
participate in the central cancer registry if the registry submits reports in
conformance with the same standards. Any other entity may voluntarily submit
any cancer case to the central cancer registry.
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002; 32
SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-13, 1-43-15.
44:22:02:02. Reportable conditions -- General criteria.
The following conditions are reportable:
(1) Any neoplasm listed in
the International Classification of
Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition, 2000, with a behavior code of
"2", in situ, or "3", malignant, with the exception of:
(a) Carcinoma in situ of the cervix;
(b) Intraepithelial
neoplasia of the cervix (CIN) and prostate (PIN); and
(c) Basal or squamous
cell carcinoma of the non-mucoepidermoid sites of the skin (C44.0-C44.9):
(i) 8000-8005
Neoplasms malignant (NOS) (C44.0-C44.9);
(ii) 8000-8046
Epithelial carcinomas of the skin (C44.0-44.9);
(iii) 8050-8084
Papillary and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin (C44.0-C44.9); and
(iv) 8090-8110
Basal cell carcinomas of the skin (C44.0-C44.9);
(2) Any basal and squamous
cell carcinoma originating in mucoepidermoid sites: such as the lips
(C00.0-C00.9), anus (C21.0), vagina (C52.9), clitoris, labia, vulva
(C51.0-C51.9), scrotum (C63.2), or penis (C60.0-C60.9);
(3) Any vulvar (VIN III),
vaginal (VAIN III), and anal (AIN III) intraepithelial neoplasia;
(4) Any brain and central
nervous system tumor, benign or malignant; or
(5) Any tumor that is not
histologically confirmed but with any record that contains any of the following
apparently |
favor |
probable |
of |
to |
favors |
suspect |
with |
appearing |
suspected |
with |
likely |
suspicious |
with |
presumed |
for |
However, if the record contains the
word "suspicious" and there is no positive biopsy or physician's
clinical impression to support the cytology findings, the condition is not
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002; 32
SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13.
International Classification of Diseases
for Oncology, Third Edition, 2000, World Health Organization. Copies may be
obtained from the World Health Organization Publications Center, USDA, 49 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, NY 12210. Cost: $54.
44:22:02:03. Reporting inconclusive diagnoses.Repealed.
Source: 18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; repealed, 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002.
44:22:02:04. Reporting of basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin.Repealed.
Source: 18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; repealed, 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002.
44:22:02:05. Standards for determining single and multiple
primary tumors. Repealed.
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002;
repealed, 32 SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
44:22:02:06. Reportable data elements for tumor registries.
A tumor registry shall report the minimal data elements in the required status
table in NAACCR Standards for Cancer
Registries, Volume II, for each case which meets the criteria established
in §§ 44:22:02:02 to 44:22:02:05, inclusive. These must be reported in the
designated NAACCR record layout in NAACCR's
Standards for Cancer Registries, Volume II.
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002; 32
SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-13, 1-43-14.
Standards for Cancer Registries,
Volume II, Data Standards and Data Dictionary, North Association of Central
Cancer Registries, NAACCR, 2121 W. White Oaks Drive, Suite C, Springfield, IL
62704. Free.
44:22:02:07. Method of reporting for tumor registries.
Each facility with a tumor registry shall provide to the department the data
elements described in § 44:22:02:06 for all cases which meet the reporting
criteria established in §§ 44:22:02:02 to 44:22:02:05, inclusive.
Abstracts must be completed within six months from the date of initial
diagnosis. Data must be transmitted to the central cancer registry at least on
a quarterly basis, by the following dates:
Quarter (January-March) |
30 of the same year |
Quarter (April-June) |
31 of the same year |
Quarter (July-September) |
31 of the next year |
Quarter (October-December) |
30 of the next year |
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002; 32
SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-13, 1-43-14.
44:22:02:08. Method of reporting for manual tumor registries.
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002;
repealed, 32 SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
44:22:02:09.01. Method of reporting for hospitals without tumor
registries, physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurse
midwives, and free-standing radiology centers. Each provider shall complete
a form prescribed by the department if a cancer case is found by the department
through case finding mechanisms. The provider shall complete the form and
return it to the department within 30 days. If the hospitals, physician,
physician assistant, nurse practitioner, nurse midwife, or free-standing
radiology center is unable to complete the form, they can provide a copy of
that portion of the patient's medical record that contains the minimum
information necessary for the department to complete the form. The department
may request disease indices from hospitals without tumor registries,
physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, or
free-standing radiology centers to assist in case finding. The disease indices
shall be provided to the department within 30 days of the request.
32 SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13.
44:22:02:10. Reporting for other entities. The central
cancer registry may develop an individual agreement with any entity. The
central cancer registry and administration of the entity shall mutually decide
how cancer cases will be made available to the central cancer registry.
29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002; 32 SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13.
CHAPTER 44:22:03
44:22:03:01 Correcting submitted data.
44:22:03:02 Validation of information.
44:22:03:03 Performance of quality assurance edits.
44:22:03:01. Correcting submitted data. Upon discovering
an error in a report or upon the request of the department, a reporting entity
shall supply corrected or missing information.
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 32 SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13.
44:22:03:02. Validation of information. For the purpose
of assuring the quality of submitted data, each reporting entity shall allow
the department to inspect such parts of a patient's medical records as are
necessary to verify the accuracy and completeness of submitted data. The SDCR
shall make arrangements with facility or provider for these audits with no
fewer than 15 working days notice.
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 32 SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13.
44:22:03:03. Performance of quality assurance edits. The
department shall perform quality assurance edits on data entered into the
central cancer registry to ensure that all data is completely and accurately
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002; 32
SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13.
CHAPTER 44:22:04
44:22:04:01 Duty to maintain confidentiality.
44:22:04:02 Publication of data.
44:22:04:03 Data for research.
44:22:04:01. Duty to maintain confidentiality.
Information contained in the central cancer registry constitutes medical
research. Confidentiality of identifying data shall be maintained in accordance
with SDCL 34-14-1.
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002; 32
SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13, 34-14-1.
44:22:04:02. Publication of data. Published information
may not contain the name of an individual who is or was the subject of a report
of cancer submitted to the department and may not contain an identifying
number, mark, or description which can be readily associated with an individual
who is or was the subject of a report of cancer submitted to the department.
All published data must be presented in such a statistical manner that no
person can be identified. Data existing in cells with zero counts shall be
published as "0" and cells with data counts of "1" or
"2" shall be published as less than three individuals except on a
statewide basis. Except as provided in § 44:22:05:01, published
information may not identify reporting entities in relation to cancer data or
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 32 SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13.
44:22:04:03. Data for research. The department may
approve any applicant who submits written application to obtain access to
case-specific data or case-specific and patient-identifying data to assist in
the applicant's research for cancer prevention, control, and treatment in order
to reduce morbidity and mortality as described in SDCL 34-14-1. The applicant shall certify that:
(1) The applicant is a
qualified researcher sponsored by a public or private college or university,
governmental entity, non-profit medical, sociological or psychological
association, or pharmaceutical industry;
(2) The data requested will
be used for scientific or medical research for the prevention, cure, or control
of cancer only;
(3) Disclosure of the
information is necessary to accomplish the purposes of the research;
(4) The research project
has been reviewed and approved by an institutional review board on the lists of
registered Institutional Review Boards or Independent Ethics Committees and
approved Assurances of the Office for Human Research Protections, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services;
(5) No patient, or
patient's relatives or friends, will be contacted without prior approval of the
patient's physician in accordance with SDCL 34-14-5;
(6) The applicant will
maintain the confidentiality and security of the data obtained by establishing
adequate safeguards;
(7) The applicant will
comply with all federal and state laws, and department guidelines regarding
release of data with identifying information and with de-identified
(8) The applicant agrees to
pay the department reasonable costs of data retrieval and data processing as
determined and billed by the department; and
(9) The applicant will
provide the results of the research to the department at no cost and not
publish the results until two months after submission to the department and
that any publication will acknowledge the department and its central cancer
32 SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13, 34-14-1.
CHAPTER 44:02:05
44:22:05:01 Requirement to prepare annual statistical summary.
44:22:05:01. Requirement to prepare annual statistical
summary. The department shall publish annual statistical summaries of
information contained in the central cancer registry. Annual summaries of data
may also be provided to any reporting entity, based on the data submitted by
the entities, upon request of the reporting entity. A reporting entity may not
be provided source-specific reports for data other than the entity's own.
18 SDR 142, effective March 9, 1992; 29 SDR 21, effective August 27, 2002; 32
SDR 69, effective November 7, 2005.
Authority: SDCL 1-43-13.
Implemented: SDCL 1-43-11, 1-43-13.