CHAPTER 64:29:01
(Repealed. 8 SDR 81, effective January 10, 1982)
CHAPTER 64:29:02
64:29:02:01 Repealed.
64:29:02:01.01 Contents of bill of sale.
64:29:02:02 Repealed.
64:29:02:03 License issued when requirements are met -- Tax paid.
64:29:02:03.01 Repealed.
64:29:02:03.02 Repealed.
64:29:02:03.03 Application for excise tax refund by purchaser.
64:29:02:04 Receipt required for refunds.
64:29:02:04.01 Tangible personal property allowed as trade-in on motor vehicles.
64:29:02:04.02 Solid waste management fee -- Exclusions.
64:29:02:04.03 Repealed.
64:29:02:04.04 Proof of value of insurance check.
64:29:02:05 Repealed
64:29:02:06 Repealed
64:29:02:07 Repealed.
64:29:02:08 Proof of payment of taxes for reciprocity.
64:29:02:09 Repealed.
64:29:02:10 Repealed.
64:29:02:11 Repealed.
64:29:02:12 Repealed.
64:29:02:13 Repealed.
64:29:02:14 Trade-in allowance.
64:29:02:15 Repealed.
64:29:02:16 Repealed.
64:29:02:17 Repealed.
64:29:02:18 Mobile home and manufactured home consignment sales.
64:29:02:01. Definitions.Repealed.
Source: 8 SDR 48, effective November 8, 1981; 8 SDR 87, 8 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1982; transferred from § 61:21:01:01, 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; 14 SDR 95, effective January 10, 1988; 16 SDR 76, effective November 1, 1989; repealed, 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
64:29:02:01.01. Contents of bill of sale. A bill of sale is a signed document which must contain the following information about the vehicle and the parties to the sales transaction:
(1) The model year, make, model, and vehicle identification number of the vehicle being sold;
(2) The full name of the vehicle purchaser or purchasers;
(3) The calendar date of the sales transaction;
(4) The amount of consideration paid, stated in U.S. currency, in the sale of the vehicle; and
(5) The signature of all titled owners who are required to make an assignment of title.
Source: 16 SDR 76, effective November 1, 1989; 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-111.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-5-111.
Cross-Reference: Assignment from joint ownership, § 64:28:13:06.
64:29:02:02. Used government vehicles subject to registration tax. Repealed.
Source: 8 SDR 48, effective November 8, 1981; 8 SDR 87, 8 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1982; transferred from § 61:21:01:03, 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; 14 SDR 95, effective January 10, 1988; 15 SDR 58, effective October 19, 1988; repealed, 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
64:29:02:03. License issued when requirements are met -- Tax paid. A motor vehicle license may not be issued unless all requirements for registration are complete and the correct amount of tax has been collected by the county treasurer. If the amount of vehicle excise tax due or paid varies by five dollars or more, the department shall retain the vehicle title when the tax has been underpaid or shall issue a refund to the taxpayer when the tax has been overpaid.
Source: 8 SDR 48, effective November 8, 1981; 8 SDR 87, 8 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1982; transferred from § 61:21:01:04, 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
64:29:02:03.01. License fee refund.Repealed.
Source: 15 SDR 58, effective October 19, 1988; repealed, 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
64:29:02:03.02. Application for excise tax refund by seller.Repealed.
Source: 15 SDR 58, effective October 19, 1988; repealed, 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
64:29:02:03.03. Application for excise tax refund by purchaser. A person who purchases a used vehicle from a person other than a licensed motor vehicle dealer and who pays excise tax on the value of the vehicle as stated in a dealers' guide approved by the secretary may apply for a refund if the actual purchase price paid for the vehicle is less than the stated book value and the purchaser obtains a valid bill of sale.
Source: 15 SDR 58, effective October 19, 1988; 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5B-15.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-5B-1, 32-5B-4.
Cross-Reference: Use of dealers' guide for used motor vehicles, SDCL 32-5B-6.
64:29:02:04. Receipt required for refunds. Taxpayers may apply for a refund when proof of tax paid by them in another state is later presented to the county treasurer. Proof shall consist of a certificate from a licensed dealer, a bill of sale, a receipt, or other tangible evidence showing the type and amount of tax paid. Upon approval of the refund by the department, it will notify the county treasurer of the amount of tax to refund the taxpayer.
Source: 8 SDR 48, effective November 8, 1981; 8 SDR 87, 8 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1982; transferred from § 61:21:01:06, 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-111, 32-5B-15.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-5B-11.
64:29:02:04.01. Tangible personal property allowed as trade-in on motor vehicles. If tangible personal property is taken in trade as part payment on a motor vehicle, the current market value of that property shall be deducted from the price of the motor vehicle to establish the purchase price.
Source: 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990; 21 SDR 219, effective July 1, 1995.
General Authority: SDCL 10-45-47.1, 32-5B-15.
Law Implemented: SDCL 10-45-1(3), 32-5B-4(1) to (3).
Joe buys a car from Acme Used Cars and trades in a used 1983 color television set. The price of the car is listed at $3,000. The salesman gives Joe $1,000 for the TV, making the purchase price of the vehicle $2,000. One thousand dollars for the used TV is unreasonable. Excise tax on the purchase price of the vehicle shall be paid on the list price minus the current market value of the TV.
64:29:02:04.02. Solid waste management fee -- Exclusions. Once a vehicle is registered and the waste management fee paid, the owner is not subject to the fee for tonnage increases or decreases or for duplicate licenses until the vehicle is again required to be registered.
Snowmobiles are excluded from the solid waste management fee because they do not have tires. Mobile homes are excluded from the fee because they are not registered as either a commercial or noncommercial vehicle pursuant to the provisions of SDCL chapter 32-5, 32-9, or 32-10.
Source: 19 SDR 42, effective September 29, 1992.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-111.
Law Implemented: SDCL 34A-6-61(5), 34A-6-83, 34A-6-84.
64:29:02:04.03. Refunds not authorized by law. Repealed.
Source: 19 SDR 42, effective September 29, 1992; 45 SDR 83, effective December 18, 2018.
64:29:02:04.04. Proof of value of insurance check. For purposes of SDCL 32-5B-4, the trade-in value of a damaged vehicle may include payment made by an insurance company which is intended to cover the damage. Proof of a payment must be provided at the time application for the certificate of title to the replacement vehicle is filed and must be in one of the following forms:
(1) A copy of the insurance check with the damaged vehicle identified either on the check or an attached check stub;
(2) A copy of the claim settlement; or
(3) Any other form of documentation provided by the insurance company that indicates the amount of the insurance payment, identifies the damaged vehicle, and is considered acceptable by the Division of Motor Vehicles.
Source: 19 SDR 42, effective September 29, 1992.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5B-15.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-5B-4.1.
64:29:02:05. Tax base for new and used mobile homes.Repealed.
Source: 8 SDR 48, effective November 8, 1981; 8 SDR 87, 8 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1982; transferred from § 61:21:01:09, 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; repealed, 14 SDR 95, effective January 10, 1988.
64:29:02:06. Mobile homes purchased before July 1, 1970 -- Exempt.Repealed.
Source: 8 SDR 48, effective November 8, 1981; 8 SDR 87, 8 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1982; transferred from § 61:21:01:10, 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; repealed, 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
64:29:02:07. Verification of value if actual consideration is 20 percent below NADA value.Repealed.
Source: 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; repealed, 14 SDR 95, effective January 10, 1988.
64:29:02:08. Proof of payment of taxes for reciprocity. To receive reciprocity for taxes paid to another state or jurisdiction on a motor vehicle, the applicant must submit proof of the tax the applicant paid. Tangible evidence of proof of payment is a bill of sale, a receipt, or an affidavit from a dealer showing the amount and rate of tax charged and paid, the names and addresses of the buyer and seller, the date of the sale, and the make, model, year, and vehicle identification number of the motor vehicle. Reciprocity may also be granted to an applicant who submits a title in the applicant's name from another state or jurisdiction which charges a similar tax and equal amount of tax. If the jurisdiction does not charge an equal amount of tax, the applicant shall pay the difference between the tax amounts if the amount due this state is greater.
Source: 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; 14 SDR 95, effective January 10, 1988; 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-111, 32-5B-15.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-5B-11.
64:29:02:09. Registration of new motor vehicles with trade-in. Repealed.
Source: 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; repealed, 14 SDR 95, effective January 10, 1988.
64:29:02:10. Motor vehicle title or registration lists -- Approval of use.Repealed.
Source: 15 SDR 58, effective October 19, 1988; 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990; 24 SDR 180, effective July 1, 1998; repealed, 27 SDR 147, effective July 8, 2001.
64:29:02:11. Penalty for unauthorized use of list.Repealed.
Source: 15 SDR 58, effective October 19, 1988; 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990; repealed, 27 SDR 147, effective July 8, 2001.
64:29:02:12. Fee for motor vehicle title or registration list.Repealed.
Source: 15 SDR 58, effective October 19, 1988; repealed, 27 SDR 147, effective July 8, 2001.
64:29:02:13. Model year.Repealed.
Source: 15 SDR 58, effective October 19, 1988; repealed, 17 SDR 199, effective July 1, 1991.
64:29:02:14. Trade-in allowance. When determining the purchase price of a vehicle, the value of a vehicle being traded-in may be deducted from the purchase price of a vehicle being purchased if the vehicle being traded-in is titled in the same name as that in which the vehicle being purchased will be titled.
In the case of a trade-in vehicle that is titled in the name of a company or corporation, the trade-in allowance applies if the purchaser is the majority owner of the company or corporation. The applicant must provide documentation or an affidavit to substantiate this information. On leases entered into before June 30, 2000, if the lessee exercises an option to purchase the vehicle, no additional tax is due if tax was previously paid on the total value of the vehicle, including the buy-out option, when the vehicle was first leased.
No trade-in's are allowed on leases entered into after June 30, 2000.
On any lease entered into after June 30, 2000, where the lessee exercises an option to purchase the vehicle, title must first be obtained in the lessee's name and all taxes must be paid before the vehicle may be used as a credit or trade-in on the purchase of another vehicle.
Source: 18 SDR 3, effective July 14, 1991; 20 SDR 104, effective January 10, 1994; 23 SDR 117, effective January 27, 1997; 28 SDR 178, effective July 1, 2002.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-111(6), 32-5B-15(4).
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-5B-4(1)(2)(3)(7)(8), 32-5B-1.1.
64:29:02:15. Access to state's computerized title and registration records by dealers.Repealed.
Source: 20 SDR 104, effective January 10, 1994; repealed, 24 SDR 180, effective July 1, 1998.
64:29:02:16. Fee for accessing state's computer system.Repealed.
Source: 20 SDR 104, effective January 10, 1994; repealed, 24 SDR 180, effective July 1, 1998.
64:29:02:17. Information available from state's computer system.Repealed.
Source: 20 SDR 104, effective January 10, 1994; repealed, 24 SDR 180, effective July 1, 1998.
64:29:02:18. Mobile home and manufactured home consignment sales. A dealer shall possess a consignment contract with the seller and a copy of the front and back of the title in the seller’s name on any mobile home or manufactured home that is offered for sale on consignment.
Source: 24 SDR 180, effective July 1, 1998.
General Authority: SDCL 32-7A-14.1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-7A-14.1, 32-7A-16.
CHAPTER 64:29:03
64:29:03:01 Repealed.
64:29:03:02 License plate renewal certificate -- Duplicate issued.
64:29:03:03 Status of South Dakota license plates when South Dakota certificate of title is surrendered.
64:29:03:04 Repealed.
64:29:03:05 Souvenir plates.
64:29:03:06 Display of souvenir plates.
64:29:03:07 Repealed.
64:29:03:08 Display of original-issue plates on historic vehicles.
64:29:03:09 Temporary plates issued to tax-exempt vehicles.
64:29:03:10 Confidential procedure for certain license plates.
64:29:03:11 Special plate order permit.
64:29:03:01. Issuance of license plates -- Required documents.Repealed.
Source: SL 1975, ch 16, § 1; 8 SDR 87, 8 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1982; transferred from § 61:02:16:01, 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; repealed, 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
64:29:03:02. License plate renewal certificate -- Duplicate issued. If the original certificate of title is being held by a lien holder and the owner of record has lost the owner's copy of the license plate renewal certificate, the owner may obtain from the lien holder a certified copy of the title and present it to the county treasurer for the annual registration of the motor vehicle.
Source: SL 1975, ch 16, § 1; 8 SDR 87, 8 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1982; transferred from § 61:02:16:02, 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; 14 SDR 95, effective January 10, 1988; 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-111.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-5-111.
64:29:03:03. Status of South Dakota license plates when South Dakota certificate of title is surrendered. Current South Dakota license plates are automatically void when the South Dakota certificate of title covering the vehicle is surrendered out-of-state and an out-of-state certificate of title or ownership document is issued. If the vehicle returns to South Dakota during the same year, the owner shall apply for new license plates to the county treasurer and shall surrender the out-of-state title or ownership document.
Source: SL 1975, ch 16, § 1; 8 SDR 87, 8 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1982; transferred from § 61:02:16:03, 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-111.
64:29:03:04. Licensure of abandoned vehicles. Repealed.
Source: SL 1975, ch 16, § 1; 8 SDR 87, 8 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1982; transferred from § 61:02:16:04, 12 SDR 111, effective January 12, 1986; 13 SDR 129, 13 SDR 134, effective July 1, 1987; 15 SDR 58, effective October 19, 1988; repealed, 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
64:29:03:05. Souvenir plates. A person or group desiring a commemorative or souvenir South Dakota license plate shall apply to the department. Only one plate may be issued for each vehicle, and it may be used for general transportation purposes only on South Dakota highways and roads. The department shall determine the duration for which the plate is valid case by case, based on the stated purpose and the duration requested by the applicant, within the time limit set in SDCL 32-5-110.
The secretary may accept design suggestions from the person or group requesting the plate or may provide the design. A design that does not conform to the basic design and color integrity of the currently issued plates for noncommercial passenger vehicles may be rejected or modified by the secretary. The secretary shall reject a design that the secretary considers to be offensive or in poor taste.
The secretary may specify hours of use, routes to be used or any travel restrictions, the purpose for which the plates may be used, and the vehicles which may display the plates and may apply such restrictions case by case.
The secretary shall set the fee for the commemorative or souvenir plates case by case, based on the cost of design, production costs, manufacturing and administration costs, and mailing expenses.
Source: 15 SDR 58, effective October 19, 1988; transferred from § 64:28:03:06, 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-110.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-5-110.
64:29:03:06. Display of souvenir plates. The commemorative or souvenir license plate may be displayed on the motor vehicle in place of the primary license plate if the primary plate is carried in the vehicle. The motor vehicle title and registration shall not be updated to reflect the commemorative or souvenir plate, but law enforcement officials in the area where the plate is likely to be used shall be notified by the department and provided with a facsimile of the plate and the period of its validity.
Source: 15 SDR 58, effective October 19, 1988; transferred from § 64:28:03:07, 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-110.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-5-110.
64:29:03:07. Placement of registration decals on license plates.Repealed.
Source: 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990; repealed, 17 SDR 199, effective July 1, 1991.
64:29:03:08. Display of original-issue plates on historic vehicles. Original-issue license plates displayed on historic vehicles registered under SDCL 32-5-77 as an alternative to displaying historic plates shall be displayed as follows:
(1) No replicas of original license plates issued by the state of South Dakota may be displayed on vehicles which qualify to display historic plates under SDCL 32-5-77;
(2) The plate usage restrictions outlined under SDCL 32-5-77 for historic license plates apply to original plates used in lieu of historic plates; and
(3) For those years during which a single license plate was issued for use on registered vehicles, a single plate may be displayed on the historic vehicle if it is displayed on the rear of the vehicle.
Source: 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-111.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-5-77, 32-5-77.2.
64:29:03:09. Temporary plates issued to tax-exempt vehicles. Temporary registration plates for tax-exempt vehicles are valid for not more than 30 days from the date of issuance. The temporary plates must be replaced with permanent metal license plates as soon as they are available.
Source: 17 SDR 4, effective July 18, 1990; 23 SDR 117, effective January 27, 1997.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-111.
64:29:03:10. Confidential procedure for certain license plates. A federal, state, or local law enforcement or criminal investigative agency desiring license plates whose ownership is kept confidential may apply to the Division of Motor Vehicles on a form provided by the division. Such license plates may only be placed on unmarked vehicles used by the agency for crime detection.
The division shall issue regular license plates to the agency and shall maintain the confidentiality of the license plate numbers by not listing them in the division's computer registration files as belonging to the agency owning the vehicle. The division shall immediately notify the agency that owns the vehicle if it receives an inquiry regarding one of the confidential license plate numbers.
When an agency no longer needs a set of confidential license plates, the agency shall return the plates to the division.
Source: 17 SDR 199, effective July 1, 1991.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-111.
64:29:03:11. Special plate order permit. Any applicant who applies for a special plate must be issued a "PLATE ORDERED" permit at no charge. The permit is void after forty-five days or upon receipt of the actual special plate, whichever comes first.
Source: 35 SDR 48, effective September 8, 2008; SL 2015, ch 156, § 20, effective July 1, 2015; transferred from § 61:24:04:08; 50 SDR 157, effective July 1, 2024.
General Authority: SDCL 32-5-111, 32-7B-20.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-5-111, 32-7B-20.