Administrative Rules
Rule 20:10:36:43 Tier 3 interconnection screening criteria. Tier 3 interconnection screening criteria.

          20:10:36:43.  Tier 3 interconnection screening criteria. A tier 3 small generator facility meeting all tier 3 evaluation and screening criteria shall be further evaluated using tier 2 evaluation and screening criteria, except that the 15 percent tier 2 screen does not apply to tier 3 small generator facilities.


          Tier 3 interconnections do not require an interconnection feasibility study. However, the public utility may choose to conduct such a study at its own expense, and it must complete the interconnection feasibility study within 25 calendar days.


          For a small generator facility to interconnect to the load side of an area network distribution circuit, the following criteria must be met:


          (1)  The electric nameplate capacity of the small generator facility is 50 kilowatts or less;


          (2)  The proposed small generator facility utilizes a lab tested, inverter-based equipment package for interconnection;


          (3)  The small generator facility utilizes low forward power relays or other protection functions that prevent power flow onto the area network;


          (4)  The aggregated other generation on the area network, including FERC wholesale generators and FERC wholesale generators with a higher queue position, does not exceed the lesser of 5 percent of an area network's maximum load or 50 kilowatts; and


          (5)  The interconnection uses only existing public utility facilities and the applicant's proposed facilities.


          Source: 35 SDR 305, effective July 1, 2009.

          General Authority: SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.


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