20:10:36:45. Tier 3 interconnection review process. The
applicant shall submit a tier 3 application and appropriate fees to the public
utility at its designated address. Application forms are available from the
Within 3 business days of receipt of the application, the
public utility shall provide written acknowledgement of receipt and the start
date of the review to determine if the application is complete. Within 10
business days of receipt of the application, the public utility shall inform
the applicant that the application is either complete or incomplete. In the
event the applicant does not receive notification within 10 business days, the
applicant may contact the public utility to determine the status of the
application. If the application is incomplete, the public utility shall
indicate the missing information. If a complete application is not returned to
the public utility within 30 days from the date the public utility sends
notification to the applicant that the application is incomplete, the
application is considered withdrawn.
If the public utility does not have a record of receipt of
the application, the applicant shall provide the public utility with an
additional copy of the application. If the applicant can demonstrate that the
original completed application was delivered to the public utility, the public
utility shall determine if the application is complete or incomplete within 5
business days.
Once the public utility finds the application is complete,
it shall assign the project a queue position. The queue position of each
application is used to determine any potential adverse system impacts of the
proposed small generator facility based on the relevant screening criteria. The
applicant must proceed under the timeframes of this section. The public utility
shall schedule a scoping meeting to notify the applicant about other
higher-queued applications including FERC interconnection applications on the
same radial line or area network to which the applicant is seeking to interconnect.
Within 20 business days after the public utility notifies
the applicant that it has received a completed interconnection request or
within a time period mutually agreed to by parties, the public utility shall:
(1) Evaluate the application using the tier 3
screening criteria;
(2) Review any independent analysis that may be
provided by the applicant using the same criteria; and
(3) Provide the applicant the results of its
review, including a comparison of the results and the independent analysis
provided by the applicant, if applicable.
If in the process of evaluating the interconnection
request, the public utility determines that supplemental or clarifying
information is required, the public utility shall request the information from
the applicant. The time required for the receipt of the additional information
may extend the time necessary to complete the review, but only to the extent of
the time required for the receipt of the additional information. The public
utility may not alter the applicant's queue position.
Source: 35 SDR
305, effective July 1, 2009.
General Authority:
SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.
Law Implemented:
SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.