20:10:36:55. Tier
4 interconnection system impact study. The public utility shall commence
the tier 4 interconnection system impact study upon receipt of an executed
interconnection system impact study agreement and study deposit. The study
shall be completed within the timeline agreed to between the parties at the
scoping meeting or interconnection feasibility study results meeting. The study
must evaluate the adverse system impacts identified in the interconnection
feasibility study, and study other potential impacts including those identified
in the feasibility study results meeting or scoping meeting.
The study shall consider all generating facilities that, on
the date the interconnection system impact study is commenced, are directly
interconnected with the public utility's system, have a pending higher queue
position to interconnect to the system, or have a signed interconnection
At a minimum, the study may include a short circuit
analysis, a stability analysis, a power flow analysis, voltage drop and flicker
studies, protection and set point coordination studies, and grounding reviews.
The interconnection system impact study report shall:
(1) State the underlying assumptions of the
(2) Show the results of the analyses;
(3) Identify any interconnection facilities and
system upgrades required to allow the proposed interconnection to occur; and
(4) Include a good faith, non-binding estimate
of the identified interconnection facilities and system upgrades and an
estimated delivery schedule.
If the applicant sponsored a separate independent system
impact study, the public utility must also evaluate and address any alternative
findings from that study at the applicant's expense.
If interconnection facilities or system upgrades are found
to be necessary in the interconnection system impact study, an interconnection
facilities study is required.
Source: 35 SDR
305, effective July 1, 2009.
General Authority:
SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.
Law Implemented:
SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.