20:10:36:65. Monitoring. A small generator facility of
less than 25 kilowatts is not required to provide for remote monitoring of its
electric output. A small generator facility of 25 kilowatts or more may be
required by the public utility to provide data monitoring points and remote
monitoring of the facility's electric output. If the facility is 25 kilowatts
to 250 kilowatts and remote monitoring is required by the public utility, the
public utility may require the interconnection customer to pay the data
monitoring points costs and the remote monitoring costs shall be paid by the
public utility. If the facility is over 250 kilowatts and remote monitoring is
required by the public utility, the public utility may require the
interconnection customer to pay the costs of the data monitoring points and
remote monitoring.
Source: 35 SDR
305, effective July 1, 2009.
General Authority:
SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.
Law Implemented:
SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.