20:10:36:67. Temporary disconnection due to routine
maintenance. The public utility or interconnection customer may temporarily
disconnect the small generator facility from the utility's EDS at any time and
for as long as reasonably necessary in the event of an interruption caused by
routine maintenance or construction and repair. The public utility or
interconnection customer shall make good faith, reasonable efforts to provide
at least five business days notice prior to interruption caused by routine maintenance
or construction and repair to the small generator facility or public utility's
EDS and shall use reasonable efforts to coordinate such interruption. If less
than five days notice is given, the public utility or interconnection customer
shall explain in its notice the reason for the shortened notice period.
Source: 35 SDR
305, effective July 1, 2009.
General Authority:
SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.
Law Implemented:
SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.