20:86:03:05. Conditions for which newborn transport to hospital shall be facilitated. A certified professional midwife shall facilitate the immediate transport of any newborn to the nearest hospital or pediatric care provider if the newborn has any of the following disorders, diagnosis, conditions or symptoms:
(1) Apgar score of 6 or less at 10 minutes of age and not improving;
(2) Significant medical anomaly requiring immediate medical attention;
(3) Birth weight of less than 5 pounds;
(4) Tremors, hyperactivity, or seizures;
(5) Abnormal color in newborn, persistent central cyanosis;
(6) Unresolved abnormal cry in newborn;
(7) Obvious or suspected birth injury;
(8) Newborn cannot maintain body temperature;
(9) Inability of newborn to feed well due to lethargy;
(10) Newborn temperature of 100.8 or higher in two consecutive readings ten minutes apart;
(11) Signs of respiratory distress including respiratory rate over 80 breaths per minute, poor color, grunting, nasal flaring or retractions unable to be resolved with usual interventions within one hour postpartum;
(12) Need for oxygen for more than 20 minutes, or after one hour following the birth;
(13) Fontanel full and bulging;
(14) Cardiac irregularities including heart rate that is consistently below 80 beats per minute or greater than 160 beats per minute and poor capillary refilling greater than three seconds;
(15) Jaundice at less than 24 hours; or
(16) Client desires transport for newborn.
Source: 45 SDR 31, effective September 10, 2018.
General Authority: SDCL 36-9C-32(2)(6).
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-9C-36.