24:08:03:02. Obligations
to the public. In fulfilling their obligations to the public, educators
shall act as follows:
(1) Take precautions to
distinguish between their personal views and those of the local school district
or governing body;
(2) Not knowingly distort
or misrepresent the facts concerning educational matters in direct and indirect
public expressions;
(3) Not interfere with a
colleague's exercise of political and citizenship rights and responsibilities;
(4) Not exploit the local school
district or governing body for public or personal gain;
(5) Not exploit the local
school district or governing body to promote political candidates or partisan
political activities;
(6) Neither accept nor
offer any gratuities, gifts, services, or things of value that impair
professional judgment, offer special advantage, or provide personal benefit;
(7) Engage in no act that
results in a conviction;
(8) Exemplify high moral
standards by not engaging in or becoming a party to such activities as fraud,
embezzlement, theft, deceit, moral turpitude, gross immorality, sexual contact
with students, illegal drugs, or use of misleading or false statements; and
(9) Not misuse or abuse
school equipment or property.
2 SDR 40, effective December 9, 1975; 11 SDR 96, 11 SDR 112, effective July 1,
1985; 13 SDR 3, effective July 22, 1986; 20 SDR 92, effective December 21,
1993; 27 SDR 141, effective July 3, 2001; 37 SDR 18, effective August 18, 2010.
Authority: SDCL 13-43-25.
Implemented: SDCL 13-43-25.
"Moral Turpitude" defined, SDCL 22-1-2; Grounds for revocation or suspension of certificates, SDCL 13-42-9.