Administrative Rules
Rule 55:09:04:09 Court and jury leave.

          55:09:04:09.  Court and jury leave. If an employee is subpoenaed to testify in any civil or criminal proceeding because of the employee's official capacity, the employee shall receive the employee's regular salary without loss of leave credits and may receive actual expenses according to state rates, but may not receive witness fees. If an employee is a party to or a witness in private litigation not related to his or her official capacity, the employee shall use vacation leave or leave without pay. If an employee is summoned to serve on a jury, the employee shall receive the employee's regular salary without loss of leave credits and the per diem and mileage provided for by SDCL 16-13-46. An employee summoned either as a witness or a juror shall notify the employee's supervisor at once.


          Source: 39 SDR 99, effective December 3, 2012.

          General Authority: SDCL 3-6C-18.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 3-6C-18.


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