Administrative Rules
Rule 24:52:07:03 Standards for case report.

          24:52:07:03.  Standards for case report. If a state entity or a political subdivision of the state is required by law or rule to report possible threats to the historical integrity of a property on the state register, the threat must be reported by means of a case report that meets the requirements of this section.

          Case reports must provide the Office of History with sufficient information for the office to make an independent review of effects on the historical integrity of historic properties and shall be the basis for informed comments to state entities and the public. Case reports shall thoroughly examine all relevant factors involved in a preservation question. They must contain the following:

          (1)  A description of any impending project which may adversely affect historic property;

          (2)  Photographs, maps, or drawings showing the existing project site, the extent of projects, and details of the proposed projects, which may include three-dimensional models or accurate computer-generated representations of proposed new construction. Models or representations must clearly show the visual impacts of new construction on surrounding neighborhood or landscapes;

          (3)  The planning and approval schedule for projects which may adversely affect historic property;

          (4)  A statement explaining how projects adversely affecting the historic property were brought to the attention of a state entity or political subdivision;

          (5)  A description of potentially affected historic property with any relevant physical, economic, or situational information on the property;

          (6)  A description of the potential effects of a proposed project on historic property and the basis for the determinations of effect;

          (7)  A historic preservation plan or description and evaluation of all feasible and prudent alternatives which a state entity or political subdivision proposes in order to minimize adverse effects of a project on historic property and alternatives which the state entity or political subdivision has examined and rejected. The reasons for rejection must be included. This section of the case report must clearly substantiate that all possible efforts to minimize harm to the historic property have been undertaken. Alternatives to aspects of the project which may adversely affect the historic property must:

               (a)  Receive consideration based on factual reports, research, tried methods, and professional and lay preservation advice;

               (b)  Explore alternatives beyond the immediate project, taking into account broad community or regional issues in which the historic resources may play a contributing role;

               (c)  Take into account the impact of potential adverse effects on surrounding historic resources, community preservation plans, and long-range community opportunities;

               (d)  Be based on professional assessments of the value and basic structural condition of the affected property and estimates of a range of rehabilitation or mitigative options prepared by people experienced in historical preservation work; and

               (e)  Provide adequate periods of time for information to be prepared and for preservation options to be attempted;

          (8)  Documentation of consultation with the Office of History regarding the identification and evaluation of historic properties, assessment of effect, and any consideration of alternatives or mitigation measures;

          (9)  A description of the efforts of a state entity or political subdivision to obtain and consider the views of affected and interested parties;

          (10)  Documentation that a local historical preservation commission constituted under SDCL 1-19B with jurisdiction in the city or county where the affected historic property is located was provided a specified period of time to examine plans for proposed projects. Official comments of the commission must be included. The Office of History shall specify periods of time not to exceed 180 days to be given local historical preservation commissions to examine plans and may specify such periods for each set of revised plans submitted for a project. The commission shall:

               (a)  Agree with the findings of the case report;

               (b)  Disagree with the findings of the case report; or

               (c)  Decline to comment on the findings of the case report;

          (11)  Copies of written views submitted by the public to the state entity or political subdivision concerning the potential adverse effects of projects on historic properties and alternatives to reduce or avoid those effects.

          The Office of History may require an abbreviated case report if, in its opinion, less than a comprehensive review of a preservation issue is needed. The office shall determine the elements needed for an abbreviated case report case by case.

          Source: 16 SDR 239, effective July 9, 1990; 21 SDR 50, effective September 21, 1994; 24 SDR 73, effective December 4, 1997.

          General Authority:SDCL 1-19A-5, 1-19A-11, 1-19A-29.

          Law Implemented:SDCL 1-19A-5, 1-19A-11.1.

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