20:51:30:12. Technician and intern staffing requirements. Each remote pharmacy must be staffed with registered pharmacy technicians or pharmacy interns. A pharmacy technician working at a remote pharmacy without an onsite pharmacist, pharmacy intern, or experienced telepharmacy technician, must have a minimum of two thousand hours of experience as a registered pharmacy technician in accordance with chapter 20:51:29 and shall be certified in accordance with § 20:51:29:06. One thousand hours of this experience must be in a telepharmacy with an onsite pharmacist, intern, or another pharmacy technician meeting the experience requirements for technicians in this section. An intern may work at a remote pharmacy if the intern has at least five hundred hours of experience as a registered pharmacy intern in accordance with chapter 20:51:02.
Source: 35 SDR 183, effective February 2, 2009; 50 SDR 138, effective June 2, 2024.
General Authority: SDCL 36-11-11(1)(13), 36-11-72(3).
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-11-2(26), 36-11-25, 36-11-71.