Administrative Rules

    20:51:31:32.  Compounding and hazardous drug handling standards -- United States Pharmacopeia compounding standards implemented by reference. All sterile compounding, nonsterile compounding,compounding and repackagingrepackage must be handled in accordance with federal law, this chapter, and the United States PharmacopeiaUnited States Pharmacopeia–National Formulary (February 1, 2024), General Chapter 797 Pharmaceutical Compoundingcompounding – Sterile Preparations, General Chapter 795 Pharmaceutical Compoundingcompounding – Nonsterile Preparations, General Chapter 800 Hazardous Drugsdrugs – Handling in Healthcare Settings, and General Chapter 825 Radiopharmaceuticals – Preparation, Compounding, Dispensing, and Repackaging.

    Source: 50 SDR 138, effective June 2, 2024.

    General Authority: SDCL 36-11-11(3)(8).

    Law Implemented: SDCL 36-11-2.2(3), 36-11-11(3)(8), 36-11-46.

    Reference: United States Pharmacopeia--Compounding Compendium (February 1, 2024), available at Cost: $800 for individual user.

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