20:86:02:13. Petition by board. If any interested person petitions the board or the disciplinary committee to determine whether a person licensed or certified by this board is incapacitated by reason of mental infirmity or illness or because of addiction to drugs or intoxicants, the board may take action to determine whether the person is so incapacitated, including the examination of the person by such qualified medical experts as the board designates. If the board concludes that the person is incapacitated from continuing to practice professional midwifery, the board shall enter an order either placing the person on inactive status or suspending the person on the grounds of the disability for an indefinite period until further order of the board. Any pending disciplinary proceeding against the person shall be held in abeyance. The board shall provide notice to the respondent of proceedings in the matter as provided in SDCL chapter 1-26 and may appoint an attorney to represent the respondent if the person is without representation.
Source: 45 SDR 31, effective September 10, 2018; transferred from § 20:86:05:11, 48 SDR 60, effective December 5, 2021.
General Authority: SDCL 36-9C-32(1).
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-9C-5, 36-9C-23, 36-9C-24, 36-9C-29.