20:86:02:19. Formal reprimands and files. The board shall keep a permanent file of all complaints made to or by the board that result in an inquiry being directed to a licensee and a permanent file of board action taken, including formal reprimands. In considering action in a case, the board shall take into consideration at the hearing the past actions of the licensee or holder of a certificate, extending an opportunity to the person to rebut or explain past actions and files. The files are confidential except to board members acting within the scope of the board's duties and to the person or person's attorney or representative desiring to see the person's file.
Source: 45 SDR 31, effective September 10, 2018; transferred from § 20:86:05:17, 48 SDR 60, effective December 5, 2021.
General Authority: SDCL 36-9C-32(1).
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-9C-5, 36-9C-23.